Hello everyone.
This is a site I came across from curiosity caused by our own SS's hugely undervalued thread about leaving at a moment's notice. This forum is about challenging ideas and working together. SS's thread might not be 100% plausible, and there may be a myriad of responses that you would prefer, and I totally agree with you all; but sticking to his parameters was a bit of a challenge to my knowledge. After a while I decided on a few items for what I would like, and I posted.
I started researching to see what I had missed out...I quickly realised (just after clicking the post button): GARLIC, I knew I should have put that in there!!! Anyway, while researching I stumbled across this little gem of a website.
SD made a thread about the 1 skill that would really help you the most. Turns out, plants and recognition was very high up there for a lot of people. So I hope this helps.
I've put this in Homestead because it's largely about planting and the alike.