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Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
18 December 2014, 12:10,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
I think I once read they used sinue from something like deers legs to twist into bow strings ....... I think, don't hold me to that this is your expert area BP Smile

18 December 2014, 13:00, (This post was last modified: 18 December 2014, 13:17 by Tartar Horde.)
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
Dacron B50 is the most common material for making strings, it also comes as fishing line (same stuff)

Many materials have been used for strings and Sinew was on of the most common for our ancestors.
The English traditionally used Hemp strings.
The Asiatics traditionally used Silk.

For your Longbows (English) you need to learn to make whats called a "Flemish" twist string.
For your recurves you need to make whats called an "endless string"
both can be easily made and learning how to make strings is a must for any self sufficient Archer.

Here's how to make an endless string, the most common type to use. You don't have to spend a lot on "string jigs" as this Archer shows.

Ps, this guy knows his Onions and is well respected in the Archery community he "walks the walk"
18 December 2014, 14:17,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
I bought 2 huge spools of (very strong) thread at a car boot last year, cost me about £3 each and there is enough on each spool to last me for years.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 December 2014, 15:34,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
As long as the material doesn't stretch too much BP it should be alright. All string materials stretch to a certain degree, even "fastflight" as used on Olympic bows. This is something to remember when making your strings!. Make them slightly shorter than the one you have on your bow to allow for stretching. Don't forget to give your strings a gooood waxing, pure Beeswax is the best thing ever for your strings. Apply to your string (not the serving) and then rub the string with a pad of leather to heat the wax up so it binds the string together.
18 December 2014, 15:45,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
thanks for that TH, yep got plenty of beeswax mrs makes her lotions and potions with a beeswax base.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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