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19 February 2013, 23:17,
annnnd its going the same way in South Africa too.

It will be interesting to see how the attitudes to the Chinese will change in Africa over the coming years.
19 February 2013, 23:20,
(19 February 2013, 23:12)NorthernRaider Wrote:
(19 February 2013, 23:09)TheFalcon Wrote: TPTB are keeping Africa down,It has the potential to feed the world but cant feed itself.

No they are not Smile Robert Mugabe is causing the bottom half of Africa to starve, When Rhodesia was still flourish it fed itself, mozambique, parts of SA and Angola, it was the breadbasket of Africa, then when it become Zimbabwe within a few years it could not even feed itself, Its Africans keeping themselves down.

I understand your pointBig Grin mugabe ran out many farmers and in SA the same happened got a lot of south africans down london,But the point im making if africa was united it could be a stong continent :
Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
19 February 2013, 23:24,
Yep Zimbabwe is on its a__e I remember a mate out there years ago and the story goes, all the money and aid supplied to the place was creamed off or was rusting in the bush a few years later, when the various agencies came round to see how the aid money was being spent, it was all hands to the pump when they left scale A get your head down.
19 February 2013, 23:27,
(19 February 2013, 23:20)TheFalcon Wrote:
(19 February 2013, 23:12)NorthernRaider Wrote:
(19 February 2013, 23:09)TheFalcon Wrote: TPTB are keeping Africa down,It has the potential to feed the world but cant feed itself.

No they are not Smile Robert Mugabe is causing the bottom half of Africa to starve, When Rhodesia was still flourish it fed itself, mozambique, parts of SA and Angola, it was the breadbasket of Africa, then when it become Zimbabwe within a few years it could not even feed itself, Its Africans keeping themselves down.

I understand your pointBig Grin mugabe ran out many farmers and in SA the same happened got a lot of south africans down london,But the point im making if africa was united it could be a stong continent :

tptb will NEVER unite africa unless they completly control it. other wise they'd be answering for shit loads and have nothing to back em selfs up with. it would be like dubai getting pissed at the uk. not a pretty pic
he never planned to fail, he just failed to plan. like lambs to the slaughter the wolfs look down from the hill tops. we are those wolfs!!!
20 February 2013, 00:43,
Never been to Africa but have travelled extensively in India and all I can say is that Third world people make Third World Countries, its not a PC view but it's the truth.
Why should I feel sorry for them because their ancestors didn't have the acumen to develop technology or social, medical and scientific advancement that enabled the West to create our modern World, why is that my fault!!! we all started with the same deck of cards and I don't feel guilty because we made a better hand than them. Charities have been around for hundreds of years and have not solved anything, because there will always be poverty, hunger and thirst, and if they did solve the worlds problems they would be out of a job, and that is the key, they are nothing more than money making machines feeding off the guilt ridden bleeding heart Liberal Westerners who think they are responsible for the third Worlds problems.
little Aysha has to walk five miles for water, little Annie doesn't because her parents had the intelligence to move next to it, not rocket science is itAngry
20 February 2013, 08:29,
Good rant
Failure is NOT an option
20 February 2013, 10:08,
i never give to any of these charities, charity begins at home, anyway i only give to animal charities.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 February 2013, 10:26,
There are many fake charities where the aim seems to be to keep the employees going, especially those in a posh London head office. There are many more who are funded by the government to give 'health advice tomwards policy' and views from the public.

I can understand the frustration. If there was anything I could do I would do it in a much better way than it is currently done.

However, yet again this has nothing to do with prepping.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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