RE: security for the modern home
I have had wood cut to board my lower front windows, screw holes predrilled and lightly filled & painted, paint the panels white and fix over the nets it hardly shows from outside, it is cheap plus the wood can always be used for something else if required. I do not think you can get burgular bars here in U.K, never seen them but it i a thought but not cheap to be made and probably useless if you ever move. Fake metal bars (thin metal tube or paint wood poles silver)might deter as from outside it looks for real but useless if someone tried. To cover yourself for present times i would consider an alarm too, you can get a stand alone PIR unit for around £20, again it is something you can take with you if you ever move. Are other ideas but as you rent not practicle and would depend on your landlord plus no point in spending alot on someone elses house . Hope that has helped , happy Prepping !
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