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UK Government Moves Aggressively To Censor & Control The Internet
21 May 2017, 21:26,
RE: UK Government Moves Aggressively To Censor & Control The Internet
MB, yes many of us watched your election unfold, fake news accusations flying from both sides. Another difference though I may point out is that the US unlike the UK still has free speech as it is enshrined in your constitution, and quite rightly so. The UK no longer has this and it is becoming more oppressive by the day. Our lovely London mayor recently pledged millions to tackle so called online hate speech, and this at a time when knife crime in London has rocketed to levels never seen before and police numbers on the street are being cut.
The worrying thing is that all a government with these type of powers need do to suppress any percieved political dissent is to broaden the definition of what they consider to be hate speech - no change to the law needed once it is in place, just add a few more words to the banned list and we are in pure NewsSpeak 1984 land - limit words you limit thought, and thought is the enemy of totalitarianism.
21 May 2017, 23:12,
RE: UK Government Moves Aggressively To Censor & Control The Internet
The Main Media do as they are told and promote the narrative they have been instructed to follow....but they lost.....Trump won ....but they still hound him ...around the world as well as at home they are desperate to get him gone....they misread the will of the people ....class wise the plain ordinary folks whom have nothing.....not even trying to fix the votes worked ....people have had enough and see through the peddled bullshit ...copied then regurgitated by all the MM ....i am pissed off but the coverage of Trump here in the UK ....not by Trump but the MM its obvious this is planned (to anyone with one brain cell ) same thing here in the UK with Brexit they got it wrong ....i am waiting for the reason they will use (or event ) to prevent it taking place....i no longer have ANY faith in ANY media news... papers,radio and most of all television ....and they know full well there are loads of people just like me .....IF May wins look out! you WILL loose out ....everyone will loose out .....financially and personal freedoms will be lost she will have the mandate to do what they for Corbyn ....its obvious to me at least he was placed there as a decoy.... so the chosen one ....May....can sail away with a landslide... God help us all !
26 May 2017, 01:30,
RE: UK Government Moves Aggressively To Censor & Control The Internet
I received this email from a friend in UK which I find alarming:

"I write you this message while I am still legally allowed and free to do it:-

We are heading for a very dark place in the near future. This is part of a big long term plan and to compliment it, Teresa May recently announced that we would not be pulling out of the EU convention on Human Rights even after a Brexit.

Where this is leading is very very bad. We might as well all be lobotomised and have micro chips inserted in our skulls...

A one way trip to the gulag for you and all your family! The alternative EU outcome from this document becoming reality would steadily devolve into a medieval horror re-run!

Please read the document >>>

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
26 May 2017, 02:28,
RE: UK Government Moves Aggressively To Censor & Control The Internet
Load of bullocks Charles

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