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What have done towards your prep?
14 September 2017, 17:07,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
(14 September 2017, 08:12)Straight Shooter Wrote: Married for 44 years this year MB ....the first 5 years i spent reeling her in ! there is no hope for me then ? ........some bloody friend you turned out to be MB....i was expecting a well formulated tactical plan from have obviously given up on me or you have resigned yourself to the fact that i hit gold all them years ago.....she is beautiful inside and out .....(even when nobody is watching or taking the least bit of notice ) .

44 years??

Any woman that could put up with the likes of one of us for 44 years is a registered and validated saint.

I remember back when I had my heart attack. 2 weeks after leaving hospital and still in rehab we went camping at a reenactment. Heavy gear, canvas tents, fire irons, cast iron cookware. I was under orders to do nothing around that heavy gear.

The wife caught me hammering down tent pins with the small sledge hammer and I thought for sure she and the other women in the camp were going to finish what the heart attack began. They watched me like a bunch of chicken hawks for the remainder of the weekend.

What you have had done and what you are doing now is the ultimate in survival topics, prep and conditioning. You are in the process of living through something that would have killed the average person just 50 years ago. You have the chance to live through it and add another decade or two to your existence.

That is surviving, and not some fantasy scenerio of roaming the woods like Robin Hood eating roots and berries gathered from the hedgerow.

They opened up your chest, stopped your heart, rewired and re-plumbed your heart, then started it back up again, sewed you back together and you are now mending.


When I had my work done I was a heavy smoker. I was in the intensive care unit for some time and in cardiac care unit for even longer and there was no smoking during that time. The doctors warned me that if I continued smoking my days would be a very short number, so I quit. I had already done two weeks without a cigarette so I just decided to not fire one up when I left hospital.

Last cigarette I had was the day of the heart attack. I did not sneak one in or take another drag of someone else's already lit smoke. The wife could not believe that after 30 years of smoking I could quit cold turkey.

Lots of hilarious things that have happened because I quit but that would be a more humorous thread with little value to survival.

But quiting smoking is a survival topic! I stopped the cigarettes, lost a few pounds, started getting some exercise and took my medications without fail and I am still around and having part time fun 14 years latter. Most important thing was that I got an additional 5 years with my wife, and I enjoyed each day.

My cardiac specialist says I am one of his "wonder boys". One of the few that took his advice, did what was prescribed and reaped the benefits. He told me he has been practicing for more then 30 years and has had only a few to do this and survive for it.

Most of his patients do not follow recommendations. He told me the average heart victim has a second attack within 3 years of the first and dies within 5 years of the first attack, all because they will not follow recommendations.

Do your rehab, take your meds, follow the recommendations, quit trying to build a whole farm from scratch overnight, have a few more years with that good woman.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
14 September 2017, 22:25,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
I am hearing you loud and clear ...and listening MB ....a good kick up the arse of a post ...thanks mate ! .....done nothing today other than hospital appointment, finished the onion contract ...the last eight jars are now sitting along side the other fifteen ....some have found new homes tonight ,some will go to my daughters and friends for Christmas ....other stuff will get done....whenever !....hold on ! .....wife is saying Hello! Mork .....she thinks the sun shines out your arse btw.........its Mort not bloody Mork many more times .
14 September 2017, 22:43,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Tell her hello for me, and that she has my condolences!

I know that this must have been a difficult half century for her.

And do not stop moving, that is sure death, just don't try to do more than you should.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
20 September 2017, 20:29,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Well i did say you said Hello ! then i said the condolences bit....then i had ....finally someone who understands .....then i had what a lovely man ....every half hour....after three hours i became bored ....i even considered going shop lifting FFS .....anyway......made some blackberry wine,damson jelly .....still waiting for my brewers heat matts before i get on with the beer.......gooseberry jam tomorrow...maybe some gooseberry wine .
25 September 2017, 12:30,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
I am very worried!......i am starting to grow a very nice pair of breasts....the heat mats turned up the first beer is bubbling away nice (chocolate stout) gooseberry jam ,pickled red cabbage,pickled eggs,orange and apple jelly,pickled beetroot and lemon and right now Mint and apple jelly is on the go....have to dash ....practising my new very sexy walk ...oh i do love these red shoes....really does complement my pinny !
28 September 2017, 23:34,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Marrow rum, green tomato chutney,pickled mixed vegetables and pickled onion slices ummmm that's about it for the to the market Sunday to see if there is any fruit going cheap for some more jam...apricot or plums would be good, getting twenty bales of straw for the poly tunnel ,going to try that as a raised bed growing medium,been checking it out on the net for a while ....looks good ....i will update you all when i get it all setup for a winter crop , aquaponics will also get done in the coming weeks ....will bottle the first beer brew next week and start another brew for the keg , racking off the blackberry wine Sunday is goooooooood .
29 September 2017, 12:22,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Stop it immediately! You are putting us all to shame. (Pass the homebrew).
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
29 September 2017, 15:22,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Mary it is the meds they have him on.

They have affected his brain. He is not really doing all this work, he is just delirious and the wife sits him in the corner in that little beam of sun and gives him the lap top to play with as he sits in his chair.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
29 September 2017, 16:31,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Yep you are correct about the lap top MB its the only escape i get at night, but it beats watching NCIS or Emmerdale , or Coronation street and Eastenders ..........i have even taken to removing the bulb out of the standard lamp and forcing my fingers into the holder....just for stimulation along with distraction ....and when i do watch ...what passes for THE NEWS ....usually Trump is in there getting his head kicked in .....i wet my fingers first then force them into the said holder ......the lengths i go to for piece of mind....and all the while being told i am on the internet to much.....yeah right !
1 October 2017, 15:16,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Six 1lb jars of lime Marmalade today....just to try something different. 25 straw bales being delivered This Wednesday ordered blood meal fertiliser that will be here Thursday so i will plod on preparing the poly tunnel over the next few days in readiness .

Going to make some elderberry syrup .....loads of elderberries this year....a mate of mine popped in this morning with an old recipe for elderberry vodka he helped himself to some while dug out a jar of pickled onions he normally gets every year ....last year he missed out so did many others " you don't mind me asking do you Boyo cause i missed out last year see " not at all Henry ! .....btw Henry where are ALL my empty pickling jars you never bring back don't mind me asking do you Boyo ! ......haahaahaa you are a star SS then he buggered off ....good old stick Henry....he is the bloody star though.

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