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What have done towards your prep?
6 January 2019, 16:44,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Those 3-way caravan fridges will drain your batteries in a few short hours and never get cool enough to preserve food.

You have to get food down to 6c to insure safety.

The caravan fridges will do a very good job when on mains current or propane but that takes them out of the bug out category and ties you to a caravan park, a gen set, or a supply of propane.

If you try to run the fridge on 240 through the inverter it will drain you batteries in a couple of hours. All the solar you can put on the top of the van would not keep up with the draw.


I am going to link to the two top brands of 12v low draw we have available over here. These two are the best of the group in performance and durability.

If you google search compressor refrigerators or low draw 12v refrigerator you might get more UK sources. I think the ones we have on offer here are European imports.

These units are favorites with the boondocking community over here. People that take their caravans off road into the wilderness areas for weeks on end. Our Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management allow 14 day camping in designated areas. Yes it is free.

Here is a comparison review from a man that has been living in the wilderness in various vehicles for 15 years. He might be a bit of a nutter to some but he knows his gear! Just click on his channel and look down the video offerings.

His channel is filled with tricks and information that would be important to anyone in a bug out situation, including how to live in the smallest of vehicles.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
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6 January 2019, 17:42,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
(5 January 2019, 16:40)Pete Grey Wrote: By the way fridge is 3 way gas/mains/12volt, but it’s wired so 12v can only be used with engine running to save it draining the battery, but on mains or gas it will keep stuff frozen.

This is why all professional caravan conversions are wired this way.
8 January 2019, 16:24,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Been side tracked for the last two days , a few trees have come down about the ground … out come the beast and the chainsaw and off I went logged them up and back and forth till all the logs were back by the wood shed I have split and stacked about half, had enough today....I will get stuck in tomorrow and finish it all up.

We have had a rethink about the new prepp store in the small that Christmas is over and all presents have gone from Santa's distribution centre , I can now crack on with wild child's vision of a proper prepper store ...I am to consult with wild child at every stage of these proceedings …..details like shelf heights and widths MUST be within spec ….by her special audited Daly inspection of ALL work carried out . After all "sometimes I do not understand how you can be so dull with one head" she said …..this has inspired me no End ….to do better ! ….where would we be boys ? ! without those lovely ladies ! …..know your place ! hail the leader ! .
8 January 2019, 19:02,
RE: What have done towards your prep?

Thanks for that. I'll have a read and see what is available over here.

Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
10 January 2019, 19:36,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
I am now effectively brought to a halt by the cold. No new preps that can not be ordered on line or contracted out.

My high yesterday was -2c, I just looked at the thermometer at 13:00 and it was -4. I did anticipate this since it is winter. Winter comes each and every year in spite of the naysayers and prognosticators while some prepare for the fall of society I find it more fruitful to prepare for the fall of temperatures which I can predict on a regular and faithful time table.

My present state of preppership involves sitting in front of the fire with warm fuzzy socks on.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
10 January 2019, 20:48,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Ordered two propagator heat matts today , will make the main body out of ply and Perspex , got the beast out today and loaded up three loads of firewood (although I have plenty in the wood store just outside) Ben's leg is telling him snow is not far off ! ….he is never far away ! so I have heeded the warning , going cold here too MB but nothing like you'r getting ….but enough for a early finish today , staying in the workshop tomorrow , stove will be on and kettle sitting on the top …..loads of small jobs I can get on guy just said some rain coming in...…. drizzle , going colder next week .
10 January 2019, 21:21,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
(10 January 2019, 19:36)Mortblanc Wrote: I am now effectively brought to a halt by the cold. No new preps that can not be ordered on line or contracted out.

My high yesterday was -2c, I just looked at the thermometer at 13:00 and it was -4. I did anticipate this since it is winter. Winter comes each and every year in spite of the naysayers and prognosticators while some prepare for the fall of society I find it more fruitful to prepare for the fall of temperatures which I can predict on a regular and faithful time table.

My present state of preppership involves sitting in front of the fire with warm fuzzy socks on.


Now at first glance -4 doesn’t look to bad, but in the States you use fahrenheit don’t you ?.

Now -4F is -20C, that’s bl**dy cold, freezer temperature. It’s never been that cold are here.

So MB keep that fire going, wrap up and don’t forget the Pussers rum Smile
11 January 2019, 17:31,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
When dealing with you folks across the waters I generally convert the temps so they will match what you have grown accustomed to interpreting. So those temps were in C rather than F.

However, we do get temps in the same category when read in F. Not yet this year, but I am practicing my being miserable so I will be in good form when they arrive.

What is really impressive is that on a couple of occasions since I joined this illustrious group I have reached the point of the thermometer where the C and the F meet consensus and read the same temperature. It happens down around -40 or some absurd number at which electrons freeze and the internet sises up and has to be thawed by nanobots with small hair dryers.

Where I reside the temps fluctuate wildly, even day to day. I am abused by the movement of both continental and maritime systems which often gain an attitude as they travel.

Add the fact that I am in a funnel formed by the large and imposing Ohio River which channels air currents, heat waves, tsunamis, storm systems and arctic vortex thingies right over my house and I find my weather variable and entertaining.

And for all of that I have never been able to afford or install my one greatest and most coveted survival item, a tornado shelter.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
11 January 2019, 20:12,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
And in the shed my mini digger sits ...just looking good , new tracks nice and clean , but ready to rock at the drop of a hat ….just itching to dig out a shelter …..I may well have the perfect set of circumstances coming up ! and the beast is chomping at the bitt …..lets party !
11 January 2019, 21:54,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
SS how "mini" is that digger?

If you can compress it into a small box and send it over by post I could use it to build my coveted tornado shelter, and I also have a spot where I want a fish pond out back!

The last time I made this request someone handed me one of these....
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

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