8 February 2021, 14:21,
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RE: Brexit no deal
you havent got a clue about Paganism, and what you say about my wife is rude and uncalled for.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
8 February 2021, 14:31,
Posts: 65
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RE: Brexit no deal
(8 February 2021, 14:21)bigpaul Wrote: you havent got a clue about Paganism, and what you say about my wife is rude and uncalled for.
Be careful mate or you'll crack up in 5 minutes in a tough post-apoc world..
"A person without a sense of humour is like a wagon without springs, jolted by every pebble on life's road"- Anon
8 February 2021, 14:33,
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RE: Brexit no deal
at least I'm a realist and know bad things can happen and will happen, you'll last about 5 minutes once the shops are empty and you say the first wrong thing to the first person you meet .
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
8 February 2021, 14:45,
Posts: 65
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RE: Brexit no deal
(8 February 2021, 14:33)bigpaul Wrote: at least I'm a realist and know bad things can happen and will happen, you'll last about 5 minutes once the shops are empty and you say the first wrong thing to the first person you meet .
You're giving off enough negative vibes to sink a battleship mate, remember WE will be the dominant group in the area, nobody better mess with us!
I've survived in the online wargame jungles for 19 years under my fighting name 'PoorOldSpike' and have got the WINNING mindset in everything I do, so as regards the Apoc I say bring it on, it should be FUN..
8 February 2021, 14:55,
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RE: Brexit no deal
online war games ARENT real life, you'll last about 5 minutes in a real SHTF world especially with that attitude.
I'm negative because I know bad things happen and I prepare, your life revolves around online fantasy, I've met your kind before and they dont last long on prepper forums, if you were on mine you'd have been banned a long time ago.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
8 February 2021, 15:21,
Posts: 65
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RE: Brexit no deal
(8 February 2021, 14:55)bigpaul Wrote: online war games ARENT real life, you'll last about 5 minutes in a real SHTF world especially with that attitude.
I'm negative because I know bad things happen and I prepare, your life revolves around online fantasy, I've met your kind before and they dont last long on prepper forums, if you were on mine you'd have been banned a long time ago.
I've walked out of two prepper forums over the past few months because they didn't shape up, they were American and I got fed up with all the gun talk, they think having plenty of guns will ensure their survival in a post-apoc world.
Incidentally I don't think of myself merely as a 'prepper', I think of myself as a 'Survivalist' which is a whole new ball game.
In fact I drum it into my wargame recruits- "Fight with your brain first and your weapons second"..
8 February 2021, 15:27,
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RE: Brexit no deal
your right about guns, most of the time post SHTF will be spent on putting food on the table, that will be the main probably only occupation.
anyone who thinks they will be getting into fire fights all the time will be dead soon enough.
you might be a prepper with all your tinned food, but a survivalist? NO, to be a survivalist you have to know about land and land management, agriculture and horticulture and I dont think you've got the first clue about any of these.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
9 February 2021, 05:28,
Posts: 65
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Joined: Jan 2021
RE: Brexit no deal
(8 February 2021, 14:55)bigpaul Wrote: ..I've met your kind before and they dont last long on prepper forums, if you were on mine you'd have been banned a long time ago.
MWAAAH if I'm boring people here I'd better go back to my duties as a moderator at the Mission4Today forum (sniffle), my PoorOldSpike photo galleries there have had 11 million views so far and I have to tend them with loving care.
PS- I saw adverts like this around the net a while back so I thought i'd give it a go as i seem ideally qualified, byeeee.