OK fellows, what is the difference between the Omicron variant, the Delta variant and regular Covid?
From what I can tell the most important difference is that no one, anywhere in the world, has died of Omicron variant.
And when someone does it will be one of the people that is most susceptible, Someone with chronic, terminal or geriatric conditions that would have been susceptible to any other flu strain.
This is the one they should have been looking for. It is the sign that the strain has mutated to a less virulent form, like most flu strains do.
Covid is turning into just another mild case of the flu. That is exactly what happened to the Spanish Flu strain after the second year.
Every year I get my flu shot, and every year the Doctor tells me that it covers about 40% of the strains out there. Omicron is just another of those strains that my flu shot did not cover and is apparently no more dangerous than any other flu strain.
Now I am all confused!! Were the Chinese trying to kill me with the flu, and now my own government is helping them by trying to poison me with a vaccine?
Who's on first? What's on second? I don't know is on third.
Whose side am I on anyway?