(24 February 2022, 21:51)Straight Shooter Wrote: The question is not what Putin’s plan and desires are .......the question is what the ( west’s ) plan and desires are to counter ? Truth is Putin will not stop .....until he does ,when he gets what he wants (for now) while we try and sneeze on him to make him go away .
Re our lot: Well they tried to kill most off with the jibby jabby but the uptake was low in places where IQ is higher than tooth count. So plan 2. Kill them another way. Left and right wing are two cheeks on the same ar$e. They are all in it together. Our idiots will go all the way.
Remember when Russia was holding nuclear drills and they evacuated cities into the civil defence bunkers? It was a year or so back. Can you remember the UK drills at the same time? No? That is because there were no drills. Does this not tell you a single thing? The Govt. have made ZERO plans for any of us here. We're on our own.
I cannot wait to see what happens when the injected find their life assurance policies are now null and void - that's if any of us make it through WW3. It is only when the money is screwed that some people will finally wake up. I've been insulted too many times to give a f*ck now. The idiots are on their own now.