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4 March 2022, 15:21,
RE: Ukraine
another Russian lover.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
4 March 2022, 16:11,
RE: Ukraine
(1 March 2022, 15:38)Straight Shooter Wrote: I am wondering what the effects are going to develop ....with all the sanctions aimed at Russia especially removing some of their banks from the S.W.i.F.T system ? And how that may throw up some unintended consequences for us
Or intended depending on your point of view .

Turkey is now on the brink ( before Ukraine ) this may well be the straw ......interesting times ! More preps !

Russia are self-sufficient in production and export many vital things: grains, fertiliser, metals, all that stuff. We are not self-sufficient and have not been for years. We had a shot after WW2 but the Windrush gen sh!t on that and we've had open doors ever since. No, I am not literally Hitler. I have nothing against anyone. All this is by design and it is no ones fault but those who allowed this.

Russia have got rid of almost all American bonds and have bought billions in gold bullion, as have China.
Getting kicked off SWIFT means that any debt owed by Russia will not be paid to whatever banks loaned - those banks may either claim insurance or collapse depending on the size of the loan and their relationship to the ptb. Russia can still use CIPS and there is another system too (sorry mind has gone blank) so they'll be fine. Russia and China also have a land border and can change grain and goods for gold and the like. Funny how all that global warming and cutting carbon does not apply to China, right? Coal plants...hrm.

Yes, all of this is intentional.
Remember when Crusty Joe the child sniffer shut down Trump the Turnip's plan for the USA to be self-sufficient in fuel? Notice how he is not going after the pipelines, right? The Turnip would have got the gasoline prices down which may have not hurt the food industry as hard. Crusty is now relying on imports (UAE) and the barrel price is rocketing. This is the final payoff to UAE for accepting/allowing the petro-dollar, which will be obsolete very soon. Over 100 countries have signed an agreement to repudiate the USA dollar, btw. Our fuel comes from Europe who are now sanctioning the fuel suppliers.
Are you keeping up here, Kiddo?

The Ukraine and Russian presidents are playing a blinder; go check out the nauseating hast tag virtue signalling which is going on just now. It is like a braindead cheerleader pom-pomming for the mallet that it about to smack her in the face. Russia and China will be just fine.

Operation Dark Winter is going to plan so far. Expect grains, flour and bread to become very expensive soon. Expect the banks to be printing money like shady forgers and sit back and wait for the implosion. How will the banks get off this time? Let's blame the sneaky f*cking Russians, right?

Now add into the mix all the race-baiting that has been going on for the past ten years between good folks who otherwise would have had no problem with each other. Have you seen Seattle, Portland, California or San Fran recently? Can you remember the $12b worth of damage caused by "mostly peaceful protesters" in those areas in 2020? Those places have not recovered. If you are in UK then you saw we got a dose too. What do you think is going to happen in the major cities when the goods stop coming in? 2020 there were folks pushing each other about for a pack of bum paper. What do you think that looks like when the food is gone? Our farmers ( and I know a fair few) don't produce enough for the UK WITH fertiliser. Who are we sanctioning and what do they export? Picture getting clearer yet?
So ...nauseating hash tag I stand with Ukraine ... cue the brainless comments: I would fight against any invaders coming into my country too. Are they f*cking kidding me? Invaders COMING in ... If you live in the UK then buckle up cupcakes- they are already here.
Russia gets Alaska. China wants Canada and some of USA (mainly farm land). Mexican drug cartels and China get the USA to divide amongst themselves. Expect Cuba and Venezuela to want a slice too as they have been itching for payback since Bay of Pigs and the USA sanctions. UK and Europe has been promised to the Caliphate. They all have troops in these regions. Agencies already know this and are working with them. You've been sold out; we all have.
Are you enjoying the puppet show yet? The handlers could not be happier.

It is going to be a slow burn, unless the normies wake up soon (they never do, look at the hast tags). If Normies realise the plan is to scuttle the western economies and starve them to death and they riot, then expect the heat to be turned up. If the PTB feel a mere hint of a threat they will take to their bunkers (they have already ran drills in Europe and the bunkers are being stocked with last minute stuff right now) and it will be game on. European militaries are buying up PPE like it is going out of fashion - tens of thousands of units so far are on order. If the PTB feel uncomfortable then that is when China and Iran go hot too. After that all f*cking bets are off.
Look at the narrative, look at the hash tags, look at what MSM are pumping out, and then compare it to the pieces on the board; that way you can always tell what move will be made next.
In 2019 I warned people that things would change forever - I got called names.
In Jan 2020 I knew UK would have 2 lockdowns (inmates get in your cells) 1 in spring and 1 in autumn - name calling again. I saw an earthquake before it happened - we had a M4.0 - no one cared. I told folks in Aug 2021 the Russian sub fleet had moved - no one cared.
I no longer give a flying fig what names people call me or what they do. I WILL know what is going to happen before it does. I always do. I'm unlikely to share these days because of the tiring insults - I expect it from zombie normies and the stupid but here, I thought we were were on the same side. I thought we wanted to know what was going on and what will happen? I get insults here too and all I can say to naysayers is F*** off, I'm done with you.
This last statement is not for the original poster (who I'd happy team up with if the bullpits get warmed up and let off the leash) it is for the violently ignorant (can they even walk and chew gum?) who regularly name call me here.
4 March 2022, 16:17,
RE: Ukraine
how can you know what will happen before it happens, we all prepare for such events but knowing exactly when they will happen? you've either got a crystal ball or a time machine.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
4 March 2022, 16:21,
RE: Ukraine
(2 March 2022, 17:10)Straight Shooter Wrote: The west may well be at def com two as I type BP ! But they will not let that out yet ! Just look how long Ivan’s been messing about to get what 100 miles or so ? And the top of tree troops and equipment ? The girl guides could do a better job .....they are slow for a reason and Putin knows why can’t tell me that the uk or the USA believe have no clue as to what’s going on .....for all the talk and best wishes along with some equipment and aid being given .....they will let Ukraine be sacrificed along with Taiwan I suspect world government , one world digital currency is the plan imo .......and the culling of billions of souls awaits us ......I no longer believe a bloody word that comes out of any mouth that holds the least bit of power .

The west has been on def con 2 for 2 months.
4 March 2022, 16:23,
RE: Ukraine
(2 March 2022, 14:52)Straight Shooter Wrote: Wheat and corn prices are going to the moon ! Along with other staple crop I should not wonder ? Looks to me TPTB are hell bent on starving all humans to death unable to pay the price ....including the Russians with what looks like a after thought is now preventing anything Russian in or out of the country land sea or air ...not even vodka for the average piss head ! terrible ! .

Vodka for piss heads? Vodka is one of the cleanest alcohols for tinctures and natural medicine. I've already bought some for these purposes, plus for preserving and making natural flavourings.
4 March 2022, 16:25,
RE: Ukraine
Russian vodka is being taken off the shop shelves for obvious reasons, nobody wants to buy it because of the war .
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
4 March 2022, 16:41,
RE: Ukraine
(1 March 2022, 15:38)Straight Shooter Wrote: I am wondering what the effects are going to develop ....with all the sanctions aimed at Russia especially removing some of their banks from the S.W.i.F.T system ? And how that may throw up some unintended consequences for us
Or intended depending on your point of view .

Turkey is now on the brink ( before Ukraine ) this may well be the straw ......interesting times ! More preps !

Okay to address your final sentence about Turkey.
Turkey is a pawn. Do you play chess? What do you do with YOUR pawns, mate?
Black Sea ports are shut down now. Expect any folks living in Indonesia, Singapore, some countries in the African continent and some of the ME to get thinner soon. This month is March, Yes? Planting season in Europe, yes? Ukraine grows much of their crops in the north east, yes? Which parts are under duress and disruption right now? The folks evacuating, where are they running from? Do you think some of them might be farmers?

India had a hack attack on their biggest port recently. There are only so many shipping containers available. Average price for a container is about $15,000 these days and that is a massive jump. Some shipping containers were queued up because of coof and could not get to port to off load (anything that was fresh was dumped), some because of hack, some because of the current conflict. The result is the same - if you cannot put it into a container then you cannot stow it safely on a ship. If you cannot ship it, the folks who need it do not get it. If it is fresh expect it to be mould ridden and dumped. What does this mean? The supply chain which has already taken a significant rear reaming in 2020 and 2021 is about to be reamed out further. Gosh, the timing - it is almost like someone planned this.
Metal is fine. Food goes off. How much metal do you eat or import? How much food do you eat? Where does it come from?
Ask what is being targeted? Who does it affect? Who benefits?
4 March 2022, 17:25,
RE: Ukraine
(4 March 2022, 16:17)bigpaul Wrote: how can you know what will happen before it happens, we all prepare for such events but knowing exactly when they will happen? you've either got a crystal ball or a time machine.

I don't have a crystal ball, they break and are no good for bowling. I like bowling.
I don't have a garage but I do live in in a nice place, that said I think even Doc Brown's De Lorean would be gone in no time (pun intended).
How can I know?
I have asked myself this question a lot over the last three years.
I have had so many days where I had a dream and woke up in a sweat. I say: "It was just a dream; just calm down. It is nothing." I try to forget it. A week or so later, I make my morning cup of chamomile tea, do gardening, do chores and later I switch on the computer and see the news page and almost hyperventilate. They report what I have seen. I have told friends things in advance. I don't have friends any more. I did not mean to scare them. I just wanted them to get ready.

I have no scientific answer. At least nothing that makes sense, even to me.

I dunno ....

Perhaps my ancestors who defeated the last ice age are steering me, through shared DNA, to survive the next one?
Perhaps my ancestors who fought oppression and slavery are telling me to gear up for the final smackdown?
Perhaps all the hobbies and money I spent on fun times have always guided me to this precise point in time?
Perhaps I chose to be born here to face such times, and took hobbies that would help me along the way?
Perhaps the Earth is sentient and is guiding those who are sensitive?
Perhaps it is the Creator God who made all things, talking to those who are able to listen?
Perhaps it is the Guiding Spirit/animal spirit that the Native Americans believe in?
Perhaps I eat cheese before bedtime? I don't drink coffee or tea before bedtime.
Maybe it was a movie I saw once?
Maybe my imagination is just excitable?
What I do know is that I had a close circle of pals. We'd get together often for a meal and a laugh. I'm an engineer and so were my pals - imagine a group of nerds quoting Monty Python and Hitchhiker's Guide gags to each other. Not everyone's idea of a fun time but we worked together for years, you know? Then I get these dreams. The next time I see my pals I feel driven to tell them. They do not know what to say or what to make of the things I'm telling them. But there is something telling me to let them know and so I share the dream. Suddenly they are busy. They don't come round any more. They may have been terrified from the coof? I don't know.
I honestly just do not know.
2018 I was one of the media consuming hoard. I had never even heard of prepping or being a survivalist. I would not have known what those words meant.
2019 something changed. Was it something inside me all this time? Was it it external? I do not know.

All I know was Oct 2019 I got a 'download' from somewhere and it lit a fire under my ar$e and I've been learning a lot ever since.
Oh, and the sensation comes from my chest/heart region and not my head/brain region. In my experience so far (2019) it has never been wrong.

Please understand I was probably even more sceptical/cynical than you ... right up until it happened to me. I still have no answer.
4 March 2022, 19:16,
RE: Ukraine
Actually, Ajax, I have a very good idea what you are talking about. I get pretty much the same sort of, well, instinctive feeling that something's heading down the track. I call it my "Bells of Elfland" moment. Prepping wasn't in my realm a few years ago, but it certainly is now!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
4 March 2022, 19:18,
RE: Ukraine
(4 March 2022, 16:25)bigpaul Wrote: Russian vodka is being taken off the shop shelves for obvious reasons, nobody wants to buy it because of the war .

If the stupid want to deprive themselves of vital resources because of unfounded propaganda then more power to their stupidity. More resources for all those who see the much, much larger picture.

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