(18 March 2022, 19:46)Joe Wrote: Ajax ? You’ve lost me. Ok you built the Uk nuclear strike network?
I tried to reply. It was wiped out. My typing was erased - This happens all the time - don't think you are special.
No I did not make 'blue streak'! My grand father worked on it. He was the rocket scientist in my family. I did not learn calculus till much later in life (teenage).
Gramps team could not get Blue Streak's guidance systems to function and the project was scrapped. Why do you think you have Trident? Why do you think the UK has to ask 'permission' to do anything? We are NOT independent- don't let Bullsh!t tell you other wise.
Look up Woomera and project Blue streak.
As for UK Nuclear- NOPE! I was far too young. I watched, listened and questioned.
My best friend was the nuclear scientist in our village - his team made Sellafield, among other things.
We spoke a lot - Christmas, birthdays , Easter ... . his wife could not make a baby, and so they doted on me. Later his wife died. Our get togethers became more important to him - we would talk about WW 2 and the death in London - and he found it terrifying, he was a young boy. Yes, we discussed fission and fusion reaction, and missiles and why some things do and do and not work. Later I discussed my avionics and aeronautics works ( he had full home office clearance as did I) we never leaked ... many other things did. He was the only person who was on the same level as me. The jokes we made would sail over the heads of so many.
NO! I am an ass hat. I can make stuff fly... that's about it. I can make one thing talk to another thing - yup, they do their little dance. Nope, I don't know much - not compared to my best pal- Yeah I miss him loads and I miss our mind-bending conversations.
I have good stuff going on here. I love all the life that is happening all around me. Occasionally I miss the insane conversations i could have about physics, nuclear physics or advanced maths.
Thankfully both my best friend and his wife knew the Christ very well and we will all see each other very soon.
Yesterday in the early hours I was given Ezekiel 4:16 and once I had washed my face and given praise, I was given Revelation 18:3.
You will do with this as you will. It is none of my concern. You have free will. You will do what you will do.
I am going home soon. This world is ended. I have been hopeful and I have grieved. I am no one. The only one who changes your mind is you. I'm not getting involved with any of that. No, that is you and your choice - I am not here to bounce in on any of that. The world is unravelled very soon and I'm here to help and build but only for a short time. I may get to meet some of you all, depending on your choices. Once the enemy of my Holy God is shown and all of this is out in the open - well, that is a whole different chapter. Then I can't do very much except go to war - it's why I am here! I pray and do not want to. I have no power to pray against EL, who made me and neither do you - we are all brothers and sisters.
Your final destination is YOUR choice though. It really is up to you. If you think the world is heading in the right direction and progress us being made, then that is fine - if you feel you are living in the upside down and that nothing is making any kind of sense ... just know you do have the chance to go home again.
You all know who wins in the end though, right? .
I feel the quickening that brings battle, do any of you wonderful people feel it too?
twill be my honour to stand by your shoulder when it finally comes.
Do not fear; this body is not you ... you are all of you so much more than you can imagine.
This prepper stuff is going to get so much harder and darker than you could have imagined. None of you are alone. You DO have YOUR free will. Intervention is impossible without your permission. I know you will do what is correct by you. i find you miraculous and fragile; just as you find me irascible and bonkers.
Don't hold on too tightly here. The snakes are moving and then it is total scorched earth protocol.