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So what’s next ?
17 March 2022, 21:28,
RE: So what’s next ?
Sorry Ajax with respect I don’t see the point of this post. I’m an old guy and only worry and prep for things I can do something about. I expect most people think the same.

Shelter, security, water, food, cooking, heating, lighting, first aid, medication, communication, power, transport.
18 March 2022, 10:22,
RE: So what’s next ?
one of the reasons we moved from Somerset and came home to Devon was the plan to build another Reactor at Hinckley Point, not only because of possible nuclear accident but also its an obvious target along with, at that time, Army barracks in or near Taunton which itself is the administrative centre, another likely target.
that is the most any of us as preppers can do, we have no control over govt or foreign countries policy either now or in the future, the whole point of prepping is to try and lessen ones reliance on the system should that system fail and fail big time.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 March 2022, 10:51,
RE: So what’s next ?
Well Ajax , I agree with your last post , if people cannot see the relevance in what you write .....well they are just unable or unwilling or not understanding’s far easier for people to dismiss you and what you write and put you down as a nutter or freak , this is the way of the world’s nothing new are up against a wall of criticism for what passes for (normal) thought processes ....people become uneasy when anyone steps outside of it and refuse to believe anything that does not conform to their perceived normal become a threat to it !

You have just as much Right to your opinion as anyone else on here ....wild or normal .....if people do not like what you have to say .....they do not have to read it or reply to it ......there is even a ignore button they can use !
Simple as that ! .
18 March 2022, 14:06,
RE: So what’s next ?
everyone is entitled to their opinion, and opinions will vary depending on where someone lives and their life experiences, not many will be the same although some will be similar.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 March 2022, 09:43,
RE: So what’s next ?
True enough summary Ajax. People though draw the line in different places. Nuclear War is on where our lines are all over the place. Some say the don't want to live if there is one, others prep for everything. I am one of those but I don't think civilians can do too much in that area. An invisible killer that you can live with up to a point yet wander into an area you exceed a threshold.

I look at what I can do for every scenario and do what I can. A bunker I can live in for 15 years isn't on that list. A sealed off area in the house, radiation detector to identify if we can go out, food for the family for several months and somewhere warm and defensible is the best I can do.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
20 March 2022, 00:29,
RE: So what’s next ?
(19 March 2022, 09:43)Skean Dhude Wrote: ..............................A sealed off area in the house, radiation detector to identify if we can go out, food for the family for several months and somewhere warm and defensible is the best I can do.

I think this is the best that most of us can do if the worst happens.

Shelter, security, water, food, cooking, heating, lighting, first aid, medication, communication, power, transport.
20 March 2022, 09:07,
RE: So what’s next ?
sounds pretty good to me SD, I dont believe ALL OUT nuclear war is survivable on such a small island but a limited exchange might be.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 March 2022, 09:34,
RE: So what’s next ?
If it ends up a full nuclear exchange will NOT be done in one strike as many imagine ....imo it will be carried out over several weeks if not months ......each side would look at damage inflicted , any infrastructure left of use or threat would be targeted wonder Elon Musk wants to f..k off to Mars ......he still has not replied to my request for the job of ....ships carpenter SPACEX department .
21 March 2022, 17:36,
RE: So what’s next ?
(17 March 2022, 21:28)Pete Grey Wrote: Sorry Ajax with respect I don’t see the point of this post. I’m an old guy and only worry and prep for things I can do something about. I expect most people think the same.

That is no problem at all, Pete, my mate.
I am sure if I said water was wet, then we would have a major disagreement about it.
You do you; please know I don't worry about any of it.
I love and welcome all your opinions. Please feel free to say what ever you need to say because I'll be doing the same.

Did you look up 'nagging nora' - I'll give you a clue ... Typhoon. Please note it has been struck with the 'not politically correct' ban hammer. So any crew being heard using it, gets a reaming. Thankfully RAF mech eng are sarcastic bar-stewards and are likely still using this term. As dreadful as they were to work with, I salute their sprit of sarcasm and defiance. Anyway if the sabre-rattlers get their nuke war - these are grounded - along with a lot of other things that the 'air show crowds' think are cool.
Do you like the thought of your military not being able to have a joke in times of stress and not being able to chat with peers about what they think?
You should hear some of the jokes I have heard over the years. Do I need to report a joke? I never did in the past. Will I? Heck, no!

Did comedians get banned in the past? Did scientists get banned in the past?
Not in certain countries but under certain totalitarian and authoritarian regimes - yes, they did.
What are we seeing and hearing about in our countries now?
It's like the Cheka or the Stasi are already in power.
"You will say what we want you to say or else you will be banned from speaking and we will confiscate your bank funds!" ... See Canada trucker debacle for details.

I personally learned more from the dudes using the gear I made, than from our slick marketing campaigns and our brain dead directors. That was only because we could go smoke a ciggy together on a trade day, later have a beer maybe and talk without someone losing their entire f*cking career.
Wow! If only I had free reign to bring to the table what 'some' pilots were saying.

Do you know a lot of OUR pilots would not chat with me or the excellent dudes I worked with?
We only had 2 gals back in those days: one in the office, doing amazing things to get us all paid on time; and me with the chaps, all of us doing our stuff too. I used the same bogs as the guys with no complaint. I saw guys in need of bog roll come out of the bogs with trouser round ankles. I saw page three naked boobs .. oh gosh however did I survive?
I am a woman. I have a vagina. I have breasts. I saw other breasts on a wall. I made a child. i have seen a man naked below. How can I be offended by anatomy that I see every day in my mirror? How can I be offended by basic human instinct? Why is there this nonsense in the first place? Why is this cr@p getting pushed the hardest into the last place it is required: the military? Do you reckon that Spetznats are busy learning their ever changing gender pronouns today?
What has this to do with e price of eggs?
Well the guys I made stuff for, would not talk to the team
The dudes from Lakenheath were awesome and very polite - if you can get what I'm not typing here. Look at usa stuff in uk.
The Russians were the most friendly. I don't have a lot of Russian. They did not have a lot of English. We pointed and smiled and did hand signals. We got by. That stuff blew my mind. That was in the early 90's.

If only I could have been paid the mega £££s for being as incorrect and making sh!it that didn't work as the two guys upstairs who thought they were better than me. Who fixed the f*ck ups? Yup, muggins here. Am I as mega rich as them? Nope. I did all I could do to help this island and to try to keep it safe. I am going
suffer hard very soon by the same ones who hanged me up to dry - you along with me. Yeah, you guys did not know that then.
It is coming home to roost, guys.
Sorry, I really tried to do what I could: no one listened to me, even back then.

I have not betrayed a single secret.
I have not said anything that the other guys do not already know.
WHY do you think they push their advance now?
If WW3 breaks out and it is NOT A NUCLEAR WAR; then we (UK) lose.

Look, my point was: if this situation is not calmed down ASAP then it will have major repercussions.
The sanctions alone are making other countries feel very insecure.
Is Russia a nuclear power - yes or no?
Did America just cut Russia off from the main banking system: yes or no?
Did America just asset grab a sh!t tonne of cash from from joe normski just for being a rich f*ing Russian: yes or no?
You think the rest of the world are not watching this?
In your opinion, is it possible that other global leaders are wondering if their country will be next?
In your opinion, if they are watching and they move away from the dollar then what effect does it have on you personally?
Can you control it? Probably not.
Can I? Probably not.
Is this not why we 'prep' in the first place? To try to have as much control as we can, over the things we can as the situation spirals down?
Isn't this why we want information?
Is situational awareness still a thing?
If I dig about to try to find out what on earth is going on am I some kind of traitor or am I just trying to get a bigger picture?
If I share information on the stuff I HAVE SEEN with my own eyes, (you should have seen the sh!t that the Migs did on Trade Day - No public, cameras, or possibility of an insurance claim, due to contracts) am I a traitor far letting you know?
Do I hate my country?
Really??? With the amount of hours my hands have spent making the systems that try to protect this country????

Are you ALL f*cking kidding me???!!!

I am begging everyone i see to grow food and soon or they are all gonna starve.
I get ignored. I get called crazy. I get dismissed a lot -yup, like here on this forum.

I don't care a cr@p! Insult away. My current projections are terrifying me. Ignore if you want; I do not care.

CHILDREN WILL STARVE because their parents are ignorant. These parents do not want to know anything, except where the weed is.
Dudes, I live in the country, right? It will be hell on earth right here in a couple of months. NOBODY is moving their butts! Nobody is growing anything but poisonous flowers.
Any city dudes thinking they will raid the countryside when shtf are welcome to come here - you can eat my dead neighbours and stop them stinking the place up. The townie types who moved to the 'country' (think that twat who produced the most inane, shitty films - gosh what was his name - Richie something? and his Satan whore Madge) yes, it is THAT type who own much of the food growing places now and they are too special and rich to farm - just like Kill Gates - how much USA farmland does that sh!thead own now? Are the USA dudes concerned yet? Well at least they got their rifles, right?
The folks who grow food here are outnumbered by 50 stone landwhales who need their KFC. I fear for the dairy cows here once these monster's guts start to grumble, I sincerely do. I may get eaten, but I hope to be a horrible, sour disagreeable thing in their guts - maybe like i am on this forum - lol!
THE POINT IS... normal is only normal until something changes.


Yes, I know Pete Grey will tell me that water is NOT wet. Crack on, mate.
22 March 2022, 10:57,
RE: So what’s next ?
I'm not sure where your coming from Ajax, that last post seemed to be all over the place, going from one subject to another.
I agree with you about city people, they wont have a clue WTSHTF, I lived in a city for over 40 years so I have seen both sides of the coin.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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