22 March 2022, 20:58,
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RE: UK dudes - air attack warnings.
The early warning will come via phones, tv, radio and the internet, people today wouldn't know what a siren is
22 March 2022, 21:20,
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RE: UK dudes - air attack warnings.
Bracknell has had a siren for years but was recently decommissioned. There was a test every Monday at ten am. It was only for broadmoor. Wouldn’t be any use as everyone would just think one of the nutters where loose.
23 March 2022, 14:21,
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RE: UK dudes - air attack warnings.
tv, radio and the internet will be useless once the power grid goes down probably in the first attack.
phone masts will make a good target too.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
23 March 2022, 16:22,
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RE: UK dudes - air attack warnings.
(22 March 2022, 01:36)LAC Wrote: (21 March 2022, 22:31)Ajax Wrote: (21 March 2022, 20:43)LAC Wrote: Wasn't it replace with the Civil Contingencies Act back in 2004, that put responsibility into the hands of local government (i.e. Councils), Gawd help us...
Most likely.
I have had not drills here for 40 years.
Never been evacuated - even for practice.
Any one else?
Still reckon your govt, loves you soooo much that they want to protect you from a coof?
What is worse: war (conventional or whatever) or sniffles?
Who is pushing for sanctions? On what side is the push coming from? Can anyone question anything on Twatter or social media or are questions being smacked down? Have you seen questions being smacked down on any other topic of late?
In your region: how many deaths did you see? How many ambulance sirens woke you up in the middle of the night in 2020? How busy was your crems/graveyards? How busy were your ministers? How busy were your undertakers? How many hearses did you see out on the street? So please tell me about the deadly disease, I am all ears.
Do any of you feel, at times, that you may be being steered or funnelled in a certain direction?
Do any of you ever question why? Do any of you ask qui bono?
Yup, I' still asking questions. Yup, I am the spanner in the gears. I am the fly in the ointment. Yes, I might upset you. Yes, I might ruffle your feathers.
But ... am I making a single one of you wonderful, amazing people think yet?
I am very tired.
I am exhausted.
I am an irascible arseh*le.
I apologise.
Time is running out now. We do not have much longer. If I cannot be blunt here, then where am I supposed to go to speak? Serious question!
I see what is going to unfold here soon. I am very sorry for you if you don't!
You need to organise your communities. They are going to need strong leaders - they just don't know it yet. They will ignore you as much as they ignore me. But we HAVE to step up and we HAVE to act. WE are not going to make it on our own!
Children will starve and violent folks will kill you for your garden, your plot, your small holding, your chickens or your cows/livestock.
How do I know? I have already SEEN it!
Operation Sandman is now green. This is not getting walked back, unless you believe in miracles. I have seen miracles. I'm already the resident kook - just because of some of the stuff I had said - any of you researched this stuff yet?
Why would I tell any of you goof balls about the really mind-bending stuff I have experienced? Y'all thing I am batsh!t mental anyway.
Yeah, now I know how Tesla felt, right.
There are more unprepared w*nkers out there than there are any of us.
Some of 'us' have trust issues and do not want to buddy up.
FFS, the UK is not big enough for us to just disappear and go full Mad Max.
This is not the USA! Dang we are hardly a spot on the USA map!
I'm planting food crops in verges, hedgerows and anywhere green that is not private owned.
Yes, I am stupid. No, it may not help worth a damn. At least when I die I can say, I tried to help other folks. What will you say?
Go look at my post about calories and going it alone and mating and future generations - what is the point if WE cannot give future generations a civilisation to live in - what is the point?
Yes, you may live alone but for how long? If there are NO CHILDREN, then WHY? WHO will come after you? What was your legacy? What was OUR culture for? WHO is going to remember it or us?
I'm planting food crops in verges, hedgerows and anything green that is not private owned. I offered to plant food crops in gardens for free - they want bowling greens. I said I would dig up all the food and give 100% cropping to the plot owners - for free. BOWLING LAWN. I offered free heirloom seeds. I offered for free, breeding pairs of birds and would build coops to home them. No one wants to know. I'm going to be hip deep in dead neighbours, if any one needs some fire fuel.
Oh boy, am I going to get some serious burn and scathing comments for this one!
You go fellas! Do your worst. Call me all the names you want - do you really think that i have not heard all these insults before? I'll give a gold star for the most original insult, how about that?
On what point am I WRONG though, really?
Unless WE prep and help the stupid (who do not know that help is needed) then we ALL of us burn.
Yeah insane, tin-foil hat, Ajax!
You do you, all you wonderful critics of mine, we have but a short time.
It's a conundrum isn't it? I agree that survival in an extreme and/or prolonged event is most probably more likely as part of an organised group. However, most who already have that in place aren't online anymore, or if they are they won't talk about it much, if at all.
The more people you try to convince to prep, the higher the level of risk you expose yourself to if an event takes place. i.e. the ones you can't convince (which is likely most of them) may dismiss you as a crank or even become belligerent, BUT, they sure as hell WILL remember you if the SHTF, and then you're a target.
With respect, surely you must have thought this through previously? This type of thing has been discussed on here many times, but I don't mind discussing it further. This is in my opinion the most difficult aspect of prepping. Think you know people? See how the division happened during covid, and that was relatively mild in the scheme of things. I don't even know how people I've known for years will react in a serious and/or prolonged event, let alone people I've only recently met and might be trying to convince to prep.
So if bad guys try to raid your garden what will you do? Or maybe it's best not to plant anything in your garden, which surely defeats the purpose? And don't forget that even if you do have a group, in fighting will inevitability occur, especially in a stressful situation. Even within groups some will be more prepared or have more knowledge than others, and will likely wish for a higher status within the group for that reason if it really gets going, even if beforehand they claimed to be altruistic to the groups stated goals.
Have you ever read Orwell's Animal Farm?
All the sleepies near me are anti - ALL weapons. They are happy to give their sons a dolly to play with but not a plastic pop gun.
Thankfully me and mine have no such allergies, if you get what I mean. Once it gets that bad, we'll be off.
23 March 2022, 17:19,
Posts: 153
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RE: UK dudes - air attack warnings.
(22 March 2022, 08:43)Straight Shooter Wrote: Ajax ,
What you must understand being here on this forum .......members and guests are waking up to what’s going on ....that’s why we are here! There will be different levels of awareness ......the main common factor being food preps along with survival skills ,bush skills and everything else included to sustain ones survival ...by any and all means .....most based on two hundred and older technology mixed with modern day stuff.
Waking up , takes time .....it’s enough for many just to prep ,without knowing why they do it .....all they know is they have to do something ! It’s only later people start to question how things really work then delve deeper into WHY it works the way it does ....then wake up some more ! .....I do not doubt your intentions or sincerity trying to speed up the process ,........people will take as long as they take to reach their own conclusions ....but they must make them for themselves .....telling them how it is or how you think it is ....will not cut the mustard with many ...you constantly refer to name calling and bad mouthing ....why does this concern you so much ? ....if you are fully committed (and you are ) then your message is out and people read it ....that may well insight them to look into what you are saying and go deeper themselves ....or they can disregard all you say then call you a nutter or freak .....they and only they make their own minds up .....not withstanding their own personal circumstances and political points of view ...... you have entered a pathway that is tough ....you question most everything .....that makes you a target by default ! ........embrace it !
Most people are busy keeping their heads above water and paying their way , some loosing their homes ....some struggling with the kids shoes and clothing , some struggling to eat or heat ......this consumes their very being and is enough to worry about (by design imo) there is no time or space to listen to the likes of us .
You are quite right again, SS.
I only recently noticed how many 'guests' we on here. The figure was way down the bottom of the page.
Perhaps one of the Mods can answer this next question: Can guests comment or are they only allowed to read stuff?
Anyway, about the guests.
Maybe a lot of the guests are just curious types, who are dipping the toe in. Maybe some will join later (better hurry up, dudes).
Maybe some of them are here to laugh at the tin-foil stuff (I'm sure I'm keeping them well entertained lol).
As for the secret service - well you guys can get bent. You know if our overlords get their way, then you WILL be the first against the wall after they have suppressed everyone who wants to be free and left alone, right. They will NOT NEED you any more and you all know too much for them to be comfortable.
Sorry, as I was not clear. Anyone on here can call me anything they want. That's fine.
My frustration is external. Neighbours, parents with little ones and all that. I know that us parents are busy but -dang!- we are surely not TOO busy to NOT be thinking about feeding our nippers, right? Especially with rising petrol/diesel/ heating and food costs. I keep saying to myself: surely they must be noticing it now? But no, not round here, at least.
The reason I am trying to speed up the process is because food takes time to grow, as we all well know. Supermarket shelves, on the other hand, can be dry in 24 hours.
The thought of little children with empty bellies makes my soul hurt. I know their parents are so busy slaving for a system, which is going to crash by plan, are too tired to do this stuff ... but they won't let me do it for them for free.
Yeah, I avoid politics like the plague when chatting with the oblivious round here - it is just too damned devices of a topic. I casually mention the cost of food, or the fact that this food item was not on the shelves and hope it give them a nudge. I've been a tad stronger about fertiliser and farm yields here recently but I'm dealing with people who think food comes from Maccie d's and kfc - gah again!
This is the problem when city slickers and townies who have earned enough money in a soul sucking job and can afford to move to the country - they have no idea HOW the country works.
I'm on a neighbourhood page down here, just so I can monitor the zeitgeist in normieville. One of the latest posts was someone complaining about horse droppings on forest tracks and narrow country lanes - this is where we are people! I do not comment on that page as I know I lack the self control to deal with these idiots. I get very frustrated and quite irascible at times, as many of you here now know. Once again I apologise to all members here. This is not the place, and I DO know that.
I just do not have anyone else to talk to about this stuff in real life - not one. And ...oh, man, this kind of stuff just blows my gaskets out at times. Sorry.
So there IS horse poop in the countryside! WOW_ Who could have known that?
Do you want the comment that got the most upvotes to that post?
It was: "Horse riders should be made to carry a bucket and a spade and to clean up, because dog walkers have to carry bags."
I wish I was joking.
I read it and in my head I said: Horses do not come with a boot, and my ex-eventer was quite a bit harder to control than a F*ing Prius!
I did mention that I'm irascible, right?
These folks come here and they have (good for them) enough income to keep up various classes and hobbies and inane rubbish and they give themselves cancer killing dandelions but don't know you can eat them. And this is the big problem for us all.
Humans are so disconnected from life, from the soil, from how food grows (they are trying to get zero CO2 ... I'll just let you marvel at this one) and from what it is to even just simply be around one another now - I can't help feeling that we may be doomed here. If something does not change, this certainly has the potential to be painful and devastating for a lot of uninformed but otherwise quite nice people.
Again, it makes my soul hurt.
23 March 2022, 17:23,
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RE: UK dudes - air attack warnings.
(22 March 2022, 20:58)harryhotspur Wrote: The early warning will come via phones, tv, radio and the internet, people today wouldn't know what a siren is
What like a text alert or something, mate? I believe you.
They want people like me (grumpy, no subscriptions, no smart phones) dead lol
I'm going to put my tin foil away now.
All the best, pal.
23 March 2022, 17:28,
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RE: UK dudes - air attack warnings.
(22 March 2022, 21:20)Beatlejuice Wrote: Bracknell has had a siren for years but was recently decommissioned. There was a test every Monday at ten am. It was only for broadmoor. Wouldn’t be any use as everyone would just think one of the nutters where loose.
That is very interesting Beatlejuice. Thank you for replying to one of my insane posts.
As for nutters, well I am already here.
Was it just a prison warning system or was it for other types of alert?
You say recently ... a few weeks, months ????
Is it possible that if it all goes to heckers in a hand cart, that the prison may be emptied?
Have you thought about this, now the siren is off?
DO NOT answer here.
This is merely how my mind works all the time. I'm just giving this back to you so that YOU can think about these possibilities further.
Be well, my mate.
23 March 2022, 17:46,
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RE: UK dudes - air attack warnings.
(23 March 2022, 14:21)bigpaul Wrote: tv, radio and the internet will be useless once the power grid goes down probably in the first attack.
phone masts will make a good target too.
I agree.
I recently got one of those hand cranked radios in case one (I know this is highly unlikely) radio station is still up.
Every night before bed, I pop my little radio and my phone in the microwave ....NO I DO NOT TURN IT ON! If anything is still up, I'll find it and have an idea of what is going on.
Many here will say this is a rubbish idea. I agree. I do not have the money to invest in comms systems and preppers don't group up - so what's the point?
So, the microwave ...
It shields against radiation. Have you ever seen the 'saucer sledging' scene in national lampoons Christmas vacation: "Every time she turns on the microwave I p!ss my pants and forget who I am for half an hour2 - Randy Quaid.
I am so sorry. This was not at all relevant. This is just how my mind works.
To check if your microwave seals are good...
1, put your mobile in the microwave - DO NOT TURN THE MICROWAVE ON!
2, Using a different phone, call the number of your phone that you have just popped into the nuckeywave.
3, If the phone inside the microwave rings - your seals are bust and your microwave is leaking.
4, If you get a missed call - the seals are good.
5, If it keep that stuff in, then it keeps the stuff out - to a degree. Yields and radius and all that comes into play.
If you cannot afford a Faraday cage, then this is a cheaper alternative but I only recommended NON LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT.
If YOU need and electronic device to be working then you must research all alternatives for this scenario.
This advice is for radios and phones only.
23 March 2022, 18:54,
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RE: UK dudes - air attack warnings.
Ajax, if it were that simple we would all simply climb into a big fridge like Indiana Jones.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
23 March 2022, 20:17,
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RE: UK dudes - air attack warnings.
(23 March 2022, 18:54)Mortblanc Wrote: Ajax, if it were that simple we would all simply climb into a big fridge like Indiana Jones.
Haa haa, yeah I saw that movie. It was dreadful, especially 'Galadriel's' Russian accent - too heavy on the wubble u's.
Nothing is ever simple. That is the beauty and wonder of life.
I'm not talking about major cities, friend. In the worst case nuclear scenario, then the losses from just major cities alone will be heart-breaking.
The UK is a tiny island. If there is a scenario where ALL life HAS to be erased, then my country stands zero chance. It would only take a few high yield (mega tonne) warheads to make this island uninhabitable for over 300 years. The water and food would be unsafe to use and radiation sickness is the pits - better to go out in the initial blasts, imo.
I'm only postulating about low yield tactical nukes or conventional types of war - I consider high altitude EMP to be somewhat 'conventional' even if we have not done that yet; and also deliberate systems (power, internet, banking) shutdown by our own governments.
Even these hypothetical scenarios will cause more havoc than any of us have ever seen. But those who grow and farm and forage and have the know-how to do this MIGHT stand a better chance than those that know nothing - in the short term, at least. Obviously this depends on where was hit and by what or whatever situation comes first.
That alone is a lot of questions and a lot of speculation.
None of us will know unless it happens - only a mad person would ever wish to see any this.
I am hoping and praying that none of us ever see these scenarios happen.
Both the USA and the UK have a percentage of the population that think war would be just fine. This is the same low percentage who always seem to get their way.
I know that you are doing all you can.
There are people here in the UK who are doing what they can too.
History tells us all that if the 'machine' wants war they will get one, and to hell with the rest, right?
My best wishes to all you amazing people out there.