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What have done towards your prep?
20 August 2022, 21:37,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
(20 August 2022, 16:27)Straight Shooter Wrote: if you had savings account with say 10k in it will be worth £8.500 by years end or that’s what your buying power would be reduced to .....trouble is people still look at the balance amount on their statements and still think they have 10k when they Do Not in reality, they just do not understand how inflation works to undermine their savings and rob them blind ! In a stealth creepy way’s not that things are going up in price , it’s more their currency is loosing its value ! .

SS you, I and others have posted advising people if they have savings and need ANY preps (solar panels, wood burner, ton of housecoal etc) get them NOW while they are available and while they are still affordable.

You need to keep some cash at home incase the banking system breaks down or cash machines suddenly stop working, and some for emergency building work or if a medical problem occurs, invest the rest in your preps, you’ll probably save money in the long run.
20 August 2022, 23:43,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
If I spend my capital to avoid inflation it is going to be for something I can use and enjoy daily. I have enough beans and rice to last as long as my meds and I am now going through my third stockpile of EOTW gear after watching the first two sets wear out of rot.

I have been in the market for a different vehicle for some time now.

I am discovering that a 3-5 year old low mileage vehicle is selling for more money today than it cost new.

The average new vehicle sale in the U.S. is now at $40k.

People keep trying to ship me Asian and Eastern European women through the post, I might buy one of those. They seem to be cheaper than a new truck.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
21 August 2022, 17:57,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
(20 August 2022, 23:43)Mortblanc Wrote: People keep trying to ship me Asian and Eastern European women through the post, I might buy one of those. They seem to be cheaper than a new truck.

Is this to carry your shopping home from walmart ?.
22 August 2022, 07:34,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
No Pete nothing so ordinary ! She could realise her full potential crawling under his cabin and fixing water pipes and encasing the pipes with insulation .......digging a veggie patch , servicing the truck .......Pete you did not think things through.....dear me ! ......running the Rickshaw even would be good in between all the other duties .......honestly !
28 August 2022, 08:43,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Checked the kerosene tank this week , there’s about 300 gallons left .....I will use this to heat two poly tunnels this winter ....the solar panels will provide the lights and pump . Ordered a few 47 kilo lpg bottles , being delivered. This coming week .

The damsons are ready to pick so I will turn them into jam this week along with some wine , the dehydrator will be in full swing in the coming weeks .......pickling onions will be done this week ...all ingredients are at hand ....I have bought more to replace what I use already ...sown more turnips they will be ready to transplant in two weeks , planted even more spuds in tubs and more carrots ......sowing more beets in the poly tunnel beds ...the big poly tunnel is full ....tomatoes, chillies , cucumbers , lettuce , butternut squash , chard , and peppers all three systems are producing .....the aquaponics picked up well and made a good recovery after the pump problem was fixed the dehydrator will be busy ! .........the times are changing ! The only way to ensure your fresh food supply is to produce it yourself ! ......the only way ! .....take telling preppers ......start NOW or you may well go hungry .
29 August 2022, 00:11,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
(22 August 2022, 07:34)Straight Shooter Wrote: No Pete nothing so ordinary ! She could realise her full potential crawling under his cabin and fixing water pipes and encasing the pipes with insulation .......digging a veggie patch , servicing the truck .......Pete you did not think things through.....dear me ! ......running the Rickshaw even would be good in between all the other duties .......honestly !

I did once know a very strange little man, now deceased, that had a striking resemblance to a toad. Squat, strangely shaped, with very short arms and a wide mouth.

He actually imported a mail order wife from the Philippines back in the 1960s, with the very practical explanation that she was cheaper than paying for a housecleaning service.

She not only cleaned his house and cooked his meals, she also went to school and got her qualifications as a registered nurse, bore two children, gained her US citizenship and left him high and dry as soon as she was certain not to be deported.

He proceeded to whine and moan for the next few years due to the cost of domestic cleaning service and the foul taste of microwave meals.

He then imported one of his previous wife's cousins and started the entire process over.

Yes, people continue to repeat their bad habits, which is why SS must eternally warn people that call themselves "preppers" that they need to be planting their own food and have enough stored to meet the next harvest.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
29 August 2022, 09:28,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
someone should have warned that little man about history repeating itself.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
1 September 2022, 21:28,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Made some damson jelly 9 jars plus rhubarb jelly 10 jars (12 oz ) .....blackberries ....big ones there’s loads going to pick some more in the next few days plus some crabapples then I will get on the pickled onions , not started on them yet ! .....dehydrating some chillies .....going to try dehydrating apples and pears this year ....the elderberries will be ready next week ...will make my cold n flu mixture ready for winter plus some honey and lemon to ward off any evil spirits ! .....all my daughters will have some and John the farm ....done it for years ......forgot to mention Mint , will dehydrate that as well along with other herbs from around the garden and herb racks ...busy time of year ......looking on Country file last week they did a slot on tomatoes ....canning using the oven method , I thought that was really good so I will try that in a few weeks time .....walk on boy ! .
3 September 2022, 17:42,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Sowed 5 rows of beetroot this morning ......after adding some fresh compost first ! It’s been raining here off and on all day and the forecast says it’s in for the coming week . The turnips are ready to plant on so they will go out next I have sown some other follow on veg crab apple tree has had it by the looks so today we had a drive around looking for another tree ...with no luck so far it will be on foot to find some so a hiking I will go . Bought more rolled oats , salt , pasta and household cleaning stuff ! ......update on the solar panels I had fitted Brilliant ! .....ok I know it’s early days and we have to look over a year of operation but really happy at the moment thinking of adding another battery . And on we go !
4 September 2022, 20:24,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
We have two small batteries 12V 7Ah, out of an emergency lighting system, they are gaffa taped together and connected to a cigarette lighter socket, this was originally to run the CB or any 12V device.

Too make this more useful it’s now in a bag (ex cordless drill), with a 12V - USB adapter, usb charger for AA/AAA rechargeables, 2 usb led lights, leads for the CB, the walkie-talkies (and anything else I may think of).

Easier to move about than a full size leisure battery (for which I have other uses) i’ll call it the power bag.

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