22 September 2022, 21:20,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Many thanks Pete ! A very useful post for any preppier .....new or old .
26 September 2022, 00:16,
Pete Grey
Posts: 1,282
Threads: 34
Joined: Nov 2017
RE: What have done towards your prep?
While we’re still sorting out our new solar plans we’ve started to use our current panels to charge where possible as many items as we can, (good practice for when we have too when there’s no mains), also free.
Phones, iPads, walkie talkies, lamps, cordless tools (with the old inverter) and of course batteries, rechargeable AA’s and AAA’s, leisure and the power bag.
We can’t charge them all at the same time so we need to work out a routine to have them ready for when we need them.
The 100w folding panel for the leisure batteries and to run the inverter when necessary.
The little 10w is permanently topping up the power bag.
One 20w for usb devices and the other for the AA’s and AAA’s.
If there is any problem we can swap things around.
26 September 2022, 07:41,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Finished off my mobile solar ( case )......but there’s a problem ! Battery is not charging , changed the charge controller but not solved the problem......will test the panel and all connections today .
28 September 2022, 19:16,
Pete Grey
Posts: 1,282
Threads: 34
Joined: Nov 2017
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Watch your cash reserve.
Two of our friends at different banks/building societies when going to cash cheques, or withdraw money, we’re told they could only have half the amount, and would have return next day as they were short of cash.
Everyone needs to keep a cash reserve at home for unexpected bills.
28 September 2022, 20:28,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Totally agree Pete ! ....the way things are panning out financially we may well be heading for ( Bail In’s ) if they freeze all bank accounts along with atm’s being closed or restricted .......having cash on hand will be the only game in town......( for the short term ) at most .....I’v been beating this drum a long time .....are we finally here ? Who knows there have been many false dawns over recent years and banks trying to control the velocity and movement of Cash .....they do not want you to remove your money from their banks .....thing is when you hand over your money to a bank YOU become a unsecured creditor of that bank ......if you think the government guarantee of up to £85,000 is going to protect you ? ....do the maths ....HOW ? If this means they give you a share certificate to cover your loss ....who would buy such shares based on face value ? Given the confidence of that bank would be shot to bits anyway ! ......this is not financial advice on my part .....it’s just a opinion as I see things ....you do what you like only you can decide how you try and protect yourselves .......but do not sleep walk into the abyss and loose everything . Check things out for yourselves don’t take what I say is true ....but do not do nothing ! .
28 September 2022, 22:59,
Posts: 3,493
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RE: What have done towards your prep?
I am shocked that you seem shocked!
In one week your currency has lost near 1/4 its value on the world market.
That is a 25% instant inflation rate hike and your side had no control over any of it.
If I were a merchant I would have the doors close while I marked up all my inventory by 25-35% because it will not be replicable at last months prices.
This is what can be expected when you shut down an economy for the better part of 2 years, and hand out cash as if there were a sudden influx of wealth, perhaps the discovery of gold in Surrey or a diamond mine in Nottingham.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
29 September 2022, 07:53,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
The only shock for me MB is the planned demise and the deliberate collapse of the global monetary system along with all the suffering that will ensue for millions of people all across the planet resulting in death and destruction ..all done in your face ! If you have eyes to see ! .......time will tell ........being prepared does not guarantee automatic passage to a promised land.....only a fighting chance of survival .
29 September 2022, 09:16,
Posts: 15,264
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RE: What have done towards your prep?
really? all I see are panicked people complaining about tax cuts that dont kick in for 6 Months!! and will cost the country a lot less than the bail out of everyones energy bills.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
29 September 2022, 11:07,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
I can see how you would arrive at that view BP .....I am not knocking your view .....I just see things very differently that’s all ......sooner rather than later we all get to find out ! .
29 September 2022, 12:56,
Posts: 15,264
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Joined: Oct 2011
RE: What have done towards your prep?
the GOVT HAD TO cap the energy bills or else that would have been wrong too, whatever they do they cant win.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.