21 June 2023, 12:58,
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RE: New Prepper Forum
dont worry SS nobody is going anywhere, I always come back to the original site, this one.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
21 June 2023, 17:14,
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RE: New Prepper Forum
MB, you play guitar. I cast bullets on the porch.
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
21 June 2023, 18:00,
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RE: New Prepper Forum
I have been known to cast a bullet on the back porch but most of the bullet casting takes place in the shed during the cooler months. That is usually a flurry of 2-3 days casting that nets several thousand, all I will need for months ahead.
SS the news is not for finding out the truth, it is for seeing the trends of what they intend to do to us next.
Isolating yourself only means that you do not discover you are screwed until it is too late to prepare for the latest insanity.
I can not stomach the TV media, so I get my news from what used to be the old national reporting systems and a few sources that keep track of specific points of interest to me, mostly on the computer.
One party gaining power over another? What is their normal agenda? How will it affect prices at the counter or petrol pump? How do they interpret private property rights? What is their attitude on immigration? Are they prone to sudden and radical passage of legislation that may affect your ability to buy a bag of fertilizer?
Over here they are in a push to stop people from raising and selling livestock for consumption privately. A farmer can no longer raise, slaughter, process and sell his own livestock. It must have federal inspection.
Lots of stabbings being reported? There is a new knife law planned.
Someone poisoned by home canned food? Bottles and lids are going to get scarce.
Four or five traffic accidents on a corner? A CCTV camera is coming your way.
I noticed a couple of weeks ago that there were a series of reports concerning "electric bikes" involved in accidents in your urban areas. Several deaths were stressed. This week I noted a push for licensing and taxing E-bikes.
Over here we are constantly plagued with laws invented as "regulation" rather than legislation. Agencies will simply invent a law and start enforcement of it unknown to the public with no debate or public vote or a secret public discussion held and not announced. Suddenly folks are going to jail, being cited and fined, and their property restricted, for breaking laws no one ever knew existed except for a small notice spoken on the news and indicated no where else.
That is especially true regarding firearms over here. Our regulating agency OFTEN and purposely changes the regulations with no public announcement in order to criminalize people for owning something that was legal when they bought it, but will now get them 10 years in prison.
Don't let the B@$tards sneak up on you!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
21 June 2023, 23:37,
Posts: 1,578
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RE: New Prepper Forum
Four killed in New York City in fires caused by thermal runaway of lithium-ion batteries used in E-bikes.
There is a reason Lithium batteries may not be transported on commercial air raft.
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
22 June 2023, 06:14,
RE: New Prepper Forum
MB , there is not a single word can disagree with within your last post ….nothing ! When I retreat to my garden it’s not so much to isolate…..it’s more insulate myself and try to figure WHY all this shit is happening and whom is behind and responsible for the agenda ? That’s bringing down countries all around the globe ….it’s obvious to me that it’s a universal plan ! …..the two party political illusion of choice no longer works and has failed along with the processes that used to hold it all together.
Learning to navigate through or I should say being forced to navigate through a new system where there is even less freedoms that people seem to accept (without a fight ) is beyond my comprehension …..where have all the fighters gone ? …..pushing and ramming new legislation through unchallenged and getting away with it ,and not through the ballot box …..democracy is dead gangsters now rule the planet ! It’s not enough to look at the MM news to see what’s coming next and working out how to survive it ! …..it’s surely about how normal everyday people put a stop to this madness and fight for the good of all ….make a stand ….dig a trench ….and say NO ! There are many of us and they are few …..we hold the power ! …..all we need is a catalyst to pull it all together ? …..with the cost of living going through the roof , rent, interest rates , food , fags , beer …..that should be some sort of catalyst for starters ? Who knows ? ….sounding the charge and fixing of bayonets will only come about when people loose everything……except the will to live …..I fully expect the AI attack platforms to sort out any decent or social disobedience …..doing nothing is not a option ! …..think I will go raise some spuds for dinner ! .
22 June 2023, 09:53,
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RE: New Prepper Forum
you think the govt rules the country and anything changes via the ballot box SS?
those days are gone, this country is run by a faceless state machinery , the civil servants no longer carry out the policies of the govt of the time, and MP's are only going through the motions, box ticking mainly.
I dont know what the answer is, a revolution maybe, or a societal collapse of some sort-its looking more like that every day, the systems cant cope, the NHS is a joke and economics is in the toilet.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
22 June 2023, 17:40,
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RE: New Prepper Forum
I see in Google search article in The Guardian that there have been over 300 e-bike fires in UK with 165 fatalities so far. Green agenda move towards population control?
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
23 June 2023, 11:01,
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RE: New Prepper Forum
nope, just new technology that isnt safe.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
17 November 2024, 08:43,
Posts: 1,729
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RE: New Prepper Forum
So did this forum take off as originally stated...?
Survive the jive (youtube )
17 November 2024, 09:16,
Posts: 15,252
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RE: New Prepper Forum
cant seem to find anything.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.