20 August 2012, 11:25,
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RE: Armaggedon
there is plenty of cheap property in rural Bulgaria...and i mean dirt cheap! if moving abroad is your bag, not for us personally .
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 August 2012, 11:29,
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RE: Armaggedon
We were going to move to Bulgaria but a lot of the ex pats are d..k heads, arrogant, stuck up freekin know it alls. slaggin off all the Bulgarians and their way of life.....Some bloody folk think they can move where they like and take over....Put me right off moving there !
20 August 2012, 18:28,
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RE: Armaggedon
i'm too in love with North Devon to ever live anywhere else again, we had 10 good years in Somerset but its not Devon and there are just too many people living in Somerset and the atmosphere is very humid and oppressive..something to do with the Somerset Levels i think! we decided too move back HOME when they announced they were going to build another reactor at Hinckley Point, we had been thinking of it for a while due to mother-in-laws failing health but that was the final straw.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 August 2012, 19:54,
(This post was last modified: 20 August 2012, 19:55 by Hrusai.)
Just Chillin
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RE: Armaggedon
well i only say i'd almost rather be in america, most likely places i'd go abroad would be canada which ive been thinking about for a long time now, either that or i'd go back home to slovenia <3 (im half slovene, born in england and been here all me life, but miss slovenia real bad) very cheap, pretty much do what you want, very beautiful, plenty of places to hide, largest underground cave system in europe! i could go on and on and on for hours about how good it is 
oh and almost everyone gets taught english!
and the beer is bloody good
21 August 2012, 18:57,
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RE: Armaggedon
Western Canada would be my ideal mixture of environment and pre-STHF laws. All the benefits of rural America (mainly wide open spaces, plenty of wildlife/game and gun ownership), with the biggest benefit of the UK (socialised healthcare, IMO).
In regards to the original post:
Biggest short term threat: Eurozone collapse, inflation, financial collapse causing the 2nd World Depression (did I just coin that term? lol. The Great War led to the Second World War, so I'm calling it now, The Great Depression will be known as the 1st World Depression and what's coming will be known as the 2nd World Depression  )
Biggest long term threat: Peak oil, pandemic, complete financial collapse of the US taking the rest of the world with them.
IMHO of course
21 August 2012, 23:53,
(This post was last modified: 22 August 2012, 00:08 by cryingfreeman.)
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RE: Armaggedon
Where you aim to go will depend on what you perceive to be the clearest threats and how best to mitigate them.
Looking at the powers that be and what they're prepping for, some clues start to pile up. Since the start of this year there has been an escalation in draconian legislation in the USA, starting with the horrific National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which mandates the US military to arrest any US citizen anywhere on the planet, without charge, without access to legal defense, no judges, no juries, etc., and to detain them indefinitely without explanation. This alone is a measure designed for containment of dissent during a coming global war. A red flag in its own right, but looking even worse when sat next to the legislation that then came out on 17th March, whereby the US President may order any US citizen or business to hand over its assets, cash, property, even their very asses for conscription and work teams during the course of an undefined "national emergency"
...sorry, I accidentally posted previous post before I had finished and I see no edit button so here's part 2...
In the past few weeks there was an effort to push a media / internet lockdown law through but for now it has failed, although I hear the next move is a push for an Executive Order to make it happen. Meanwhile, various agencies in the USA have been ordering hollow point bullets by the hundreds of millions and there are now 35,000 unmanned drones in place ready to patrol the skies in America. So... what can we conclude from this? The US is gearing up for a major world war abroad whilst readying for a roundup and lockdown at home.
But it's not just America. Putin ordered thousands of new hardened bunkers to be completed before the end of this year in Moscow. And then you have the elites stuffing that seed vault in Svalbard with pure, non-GM seeds of all the major crops and other plants on earth.
So, how's it going to play? I suggest the banking contagion in Europe will infect the USA's banks and at the same time there will be a Euro collapse (as hinted at by government emergency planning and veiled comments from politicians across Europe). Infrastructure will wobble on the continent, then the UK, then the USA. When it gets to the USA, civil unrest will spiral out of control - hence all the dumdum bullets being ordered. In the midst of all this, expect a mushroom to pop up over a US city. Blame will be pinned on rogue states backed by Russia and China and the moral outrage the event will produce will be channelled into making accepting austerity a patriotic duty, along with rounding up dissidents, tolerating a restricted internet, and waging preemptive "righteous" nuclear warfare. Russia and China know this is the gameplan and may act to decapitate US and UK military infrastructure before the US-UK launch their big push to lock the whole world down.
So... where do you want to be when this all happens?
2 October 2012, 19:30,
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RE: Armaggedon
(19 August 2012, 19:36)NorthernRaider Wrote: You guys hit the nail onn the head, theres dozens of potential tipping point crisise going on, but what tickles me is that even with so many problems developing theres still plenty of preppers who wont relocate because its not convenient !!!!
At what point does the boiling frog say; "Phew, it's getting bloody hot in here!"?
Find a resilient place and way to live, then sit back and watch a momentous period in history unfold.
2 October 2012, 23:51,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Armaggedon
(19 August 2012, 14:33)Hrusai Wrote: but whose to say, in my opinion the changing climate is what i sort of blame, scientific studies show that civilisations traditionally collapse with the shifting of weather patterns
I'm fascinated by the collapse of civilisations. What studies are you referring to? It's something I've not heard mentioned.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
3 October 2012, 10:05,
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RE: Armaggedon
(19 August 2012, 14:33)Hrusai Wrote: socialism as a threat, now thats old school xD
personally i reckon the biggest timebomb is america, russia and china, at least 2 will clash sometime in the next decade, and it wont be pretty, if all 3 get involved, well forget about it, we're fucked.
but whose to say, in my opinion the changing climate is what i sort of blame, scientific studies show that civilisations traditionally collapse with the shifting of weather patterns, why should our civilisation be any different to those before us? chances are a bigger and better civilisation will rise up from the ashes of this one, after all look at ancient greece. 1 civilisation collapses, 400 years later 2 great city states rise to power and dominate the world!
and we preppers will be the phoenix's emerging from the ashes of a dead society 
Ethiopia was once the most powerfull and oasis like kingdom, look at it now.
he never planned to fail, he just failed to plan. like lambs to the slaughter the wolfs look down from the hill tops. we are those wolfs!!!
3 October 2012, 15:19,
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RE: Armaggedon
Myself I am not a big believer on drilling down into end of the world type scenarios. Non of us can be ready for Armaggedon, no point kidding ourselves that storing food is going to make life much less of a living hell. I often get the feeling from some Preppers that by Prepping your life will be romantically easy (Like living in the 1920's I once read) Err No! I do prep for a pandemic, so this means I cover most scenarios anyway (As best I ca) If I can get past a winter with my family, that is a good start. So some thoughts on my number one and my top quick top 5 items for each.
Economic Failure
I think economic failure is the most likely event in the near future. I believe that economic collapse is just that (The collaspe of the economy) while I do think this could cause wide spread crime, violence and looting, I also think it is short term- mid term (2 months). If all countries reset to 0 balance life does not stop and one day bankers will once again be screwing everyone. Even at the most basic level trade happens in the most desperate economies. People are civilised now, they want to be sheeple and have all the modern comforts. Even those on benefits have everying needed for a soft life 40 inch flat screen, Sky TV, food, water, shelter etc. After a short period everyone is going to want to get back to that standard. Given technology I think a recovery would be swift. Life I suspect would be more violent and as in Argentina I think gated communities etc would become more common. The Rich / Poor gap even greater as I think the biggest suffers from a collaspe will be those on benefits. I suspect UK socialist welfare thinking will also be the cause of the collapse so maybe there is some justice in that.
1 Firearm - Someone else has one, and you do not. They are taking your stuff. Group of people with melee weapons attacks your house, you dont have one, they are taking your stuff. Burglar breaks into your house PSHTF this gives you a much higher chance if there is a confrontation of a non violent outcome.
2 Water - Stored 2 month Supply drinking / cooking water.
3 Food - 2500 Calories per day 2 month supply
4 Cooking stove for food and warmth
5 Your home - Secured and locked down