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Families and their wishes.
31 October 2012, 09:12,
RE: Families and their wishes.
Several times now I have lent items out of my stored supplies that they thought they had run out of, tea, margarine etc. Maybe it will take something like breaking down in a bad place at a bad time (Then understanding the importance of a car emergency kit). Maybe if the economic situation gets much worse they will begin to come around naturally (We already have homeless people camping out on the heath near us because they have nowhere to live.)
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
31 October 2012, 09:22, (This post was last modified: 31 October 2012, 09:24 by Scythe13.)
RE: Families and their wishes.
My lady is already suggesting the French Pyrenees as a place to set up a self sufficient home. So all I can say is....she'd love it!!!
Just asked her. She said "My only fear would be the girls" Our girls means our 2 cats.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
31 October 2012, 09:33,
RE: Families and their wishes.
My girls are young enough that they wouldn't have a choice, but my OH is not on board at all but knowing what he's like would probably have a change of heart in a real situation and follow my lead.
I can only hope otherwise I would leave without him.
31 October 2012, 09:50,
RE: Families and their wishes.
OH is well on board, she has lived without power or running water so she can teach me a few things.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
31 October 2012, 10:08,
RE: Families and their wishes.
(31 October 2012, 09:33)Hexyprep Wrote: My girls are young enough that they wouldn't have a choice, but my OH is not on board at all but knowing what he's like would probably have a change of heart in a real situation and follow my lead.
I can only hope otherwise I would leave without him.

Kids first every time, Hubbies soon realise they are being daft.

31 October 2012, 14:50,
RE: Families and their wishes.
(30 October 2012, 21:41)Paul Wrote: Some of you have partners who are agreeable with your prepping goals yet how many would be happy to bug out and rough it in an off grid BOL, indefinitely?

What about your children?
Would they give up the creature comforts of computers, hot running water, and central heating for a life of basic living?
Have you even asked them?

I posed that question to my wife and got the honest answer of "I don't really know".

Short term, during an emergency the common sense in bugging out for a short while is agreeable BUT long term?
Doubt creeps in.

It's inevitable I suppose, the nesting instinct is often too strong for even reasoned argument yet is it something you've considered.

Take the worse case scenario.
You have to bug out and your partner and family dig their collective heels in and decide to stay.

What would YOU DO then?
Fly or stay and fight?

What's your real survival instinct?
You alone or you and your own.

I'm be interested in your answers.

If it was a worst case scenario and we HAD to go i wouldnt be taking no for an answer .

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