5 November 2012, 16:32,
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RE: dec 2012
I agree the chronology is well screwy and as you say the calendar has ended 3x before. (Didn't know that incidentally)
My concern is that modern science allows us to look at things objectively and using history i.e. geology there may be a case to answer.
Take the recent solar activity, something "could" happen to flip the poles if things get way out of line.
Our warning time? 8 minutes in real time.
Months after the event the scientists will still be saying "told you so" because no one is taking them seriously NOW.
Still, I have taken precautions against an emp. Are they effective?
Dunno. Short of getting someone to detonate a nuke near me, I ain't going to know until it happens.
As for massive flooding? I'm at a loss to know definitely what to do yet I'm planning for it.
There has been no flooding where I live for over 200 years (so the scientists tell me) yet I'm only 50m ASL.
Folk can dismiss the Mayans all they like but science is getting well twitchy and although I don't believe in coincidences, I do believe that the ancients knew a heck of a lot more about the world than we ever will.
5 November 2012, 18:53,
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RE: dec 2012
Hi Guys, This is just my tuppence but I think the most credible threat comes from a pole shift and the reason I got into prepping. The problem is the extreme weather patterns, earthquakes and then volcanoes that a pole shift can cause before the final movement of the earths crust, also called crust displacement. Then throw in the reason or reasons that can cause this to happen, there are many referencies to the Mayan calendar, they measured their years at something like 365.4.2 days long, (now I havent got that exact), a system the world still uses to this day. Now if you think how the Mayan calendar has been able to predict all the solar eclipses and various other stuff to the second to this day, then you must give them credit. They also left writings referring to another planet in our solar system which has been called various names like Nibiru, Planet X and so on. This planet is on a 3600 year elongated orbit which if true will bring it between the Sun and the Earth on yes you guessed it December the 21/2012. The magnetic pull from the size of this thing if true could pull our poles out of line and sort off switch things around. As this planet approaches preceeding it we will suppose to have extreme weather, earthquakes and all sorts of things. I could go on and on guys but I dont want to scare or piss anyone off, but will give anyone more info if the want.
5 November 2012, 20:18,
RE: dec 2012
EMP.... how do you protect your bov.... i,v seen stuff on the net showing tin foil covering the complete vehicle , does anyone know if this works ....if it does foil blankets for me then ?
5 November 2012, 21:48,
Vita Navitas
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RE: dec 2012
With an emp, you'd need a faraday cage. They're relatively simple to construct. I think you'd have to assemble one inside your garage, if you're trying to avoid looking like a nutter.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
5 November 2012, 23:21,
Posts: 90
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RE: dec 2012
Very easy to assemble a Faraday cage, you can use anything from a metal dustbin to any type of metal box. Line the inside of it with cardboard or polystyrene sheets, best way to check if it works is to place your mobile phone inside and try and call it. If it does ring then you can boost the insulation by placing your phone or anything else you want to protect from high frequency bursts in a Mylar bag.
The best wat to protect your car is to either disconnect the ECUs and put in your cage or keep a spare set of ECUs, Electronic Control Units in a cage, depending on the age of your bug out bus you can pick them up quite easy. Usually find one for the engine and one for the gearbox depending on your bus. Machinemart has a decent selection of lockable metal enclousures that fits the bill.
5 November 2012, 23:23,
prepper operator
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RE: dec 2012
Actually I just use an old microwave oven as a microwave to keep my AM/FM/SW radios etc in, cos its a purpose built faraday cage by design to keep the microwave in.
5 November 2012, 23:28,
Posts: 90
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RE: dec 2012
Sounds a good idea Raider, have you tried to transmit or call a phone while its in the microwave.
6 November 2012, 00:20,
RE: dec 2012
thanks nr building a big f..k off microwave for my bov......cheers pal
6 November 2012, 00:31,
Vita Navitas
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RE: dec 2012
A microwave has that mesh on it, because it's the same frequency as the microwaves. By placing that mesh on the front, it stops the microwaves transmitting through the front window bit. Not sure what it's called, in physics, but that's what it does. Not sure whether it's a faraday cage though.
In theory, it should work as one, but I wouldn't swear by it....just because I've not tested it. The same is true with the mobile phone checker. A mobile phone can't transmit through a thatched roof building. It's not because of the thatch, but it's because of the metal chicken wire covering the roof. A thatched home isn't a faraday cage, and the emp will draw through the walls, however you can't make a phone call through it.
The safest version I know of, a metal bird cage, with a big grounding wire. I've heard of those being tested, and coming up trumps. Again, not my own experiments, but from people I've spoken to who say they have tested the system.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
6 November 2012, 08:34,
Skean Dhude
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RE: dec 2012
My understanding is the holes have to be less than the frequency of the pulse. Not having anything that I can test for than and not being clear on if the sizes will change I went for a sealed box. One like on the garage forecourts. No holeds. Lined with polystyrene and individual parts wrapped in cooking foil. Better safe than sorry. Get lots of kit in that as well.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin