18 November 2012, 17:59,
prepper operator
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RE: Would they tell us?
So if we assume the government will not inform us of our impending doom in order to prevent anarchy and chaos, what are YOU going to do to ensure your family / group is not impacted.
Those of you who were just about to reply with " Prep" gimme 20 pressups, but those of you going to explain for new members benefits in depth what steps you hope to set in place to protect your family / group carry on !!
18 November 2012, 18:14,
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RE: Would they tell us?
i'm not expecting TPTB to do anything to help the general public, outside of London(their powerbase) they wont have ANY control at all, even in parts of London they will lose control as we saw in the Riots, in my county apart from Exeter and Plymouth(the only cities in Devon) there is no emergency planning of any kind, the further out from the cities you get the less they care. i and OH will carry on prepping and watching events, when TSHTF i expect we will Bug Out of here, OH has already said she dosent think this place is safe once "the balloon goes up", too many sheeple who dont even have a store cupboard and live on ready meals but if and when anything happened would expect the council or govt to feed them. our BOL has already been scouted and is empty,has been for 6-8 years, and is only 8 miles away but is in a location which is off the beaten track(not a "cut through", not a fast road, but a dead boring cow pat strewn minor country lane  ), i'm not going to form a group with my neighbours, i wouldnt trust most of them as far as i could throw them, but will get out when we decide that this place is no longer safe.sorry if that seems anti social to some people but my family MUST come first before anything else.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 November 2012, 18:19,
RE: Would they tell us?
i am doing it nr....house is for sale, when its sold..my real plan will start..up high and remote and out the way...under ground shelter will be first thing i will build..defences of ground,main dwelling......water supply would already be sussed prior to buying along with local recon of the area........garden.....poly tunnel ...chichens ,pigs,and goats ..and the shelters to house them..and my bov will be well hidden this is the ONLY option for me at least
18 November 2012, 18:30,
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RE: Would they tell us?
anywhere special in mind??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 November 2012, 18:46,
West Coast, Scottish Highlands
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RE: Would they tell us?
I am staying where I am, The west coast of the Scottish Highlands is not an easy place to get to for modern day tourist let alone if you have to walk,.. we live in a small hamlet of seven houses, but I doubt any of the others have given any emergency a second thought, and as most of them, if not all of them would head away from this area, [ simply because they wont have the ability to remain ],... we will sit here and become as invisable as we can
I am [ becomeing ] as prepared as I can be with food water etc,... there is also plenty of hunting around if I need it,... my bigest problem will be bugging back home,... as I doubt very much if the S will HTF while on our days off
A major part of survival is invisibility.
18 November 2012, 19:42,
RE: Would they tell us?
yes bp...been looking brecon,and mid wales...because of the position of site ...remote...water...defence...game...i am asking alot , and want alot for the least possible money.....if i can get it....there are places about.. and good places to,i am of the opinion BUG IN...otherwise the alternatives bug out to bol just gets to complicated for me at least...although i may even still have to bug out from such a place.. i am lucky to be in the position to even look at this move...but thats how much i am committed to what i see coming down a SHORT track ...i spare a thought for those of us prepping on a shoe string and in the middle of towns and cities thats got to be real tuff... and alot harder to do .....when i get to where i,m going i will let you know....a word of warning though if any preppers happen upon my place wtshtf shout out your callsign or you could......will end up with a 30" arrow in your neck or even worse wifey in a camo apron with big big f..k off knife..........i f,,king dare you
18 November 2012, 19:42,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Would they tell us?
For the newer members, here is my answer.
The government (of which I am neutral towards.....for legal reasons haha) have often been caught out. Whether in our country, or another one; governments are never perfect. On the date of 9/11 a member of our government's press committee said it would be a good day to release bad news. Not as a joke, but as a genuine suggestion, because it wouldn't be remembered in light of the other events. Oh, and the American Gov had a heads up about 9/11 from a respected resource (apparently).
I'm not knocking our government, or that of the US. What I'm saying, is that they were sitting on bad news, and it wasn't released when it was found out (the bad news the committee guy recommended releasing). The guy that said "Today is a great day to spill bad news" was then a headline after 9/11 stopped the front page, and....as far as I know....the bad news just vanished. Same as with the 7/7 bombings in London. Same situation, different disaster. One thing has to be news (the attacks) but the other 'bad news' just didn't get noticed, or released....even though suggested.
Put succinctly, we are not given all the news. Why did the government expenses scandal get hidden for so long, for example.
Would we be given all the news....I doubt it. Would be shocked if we got all the news all at once. The biggest problem is, it's not the government's job to tell the news. They have no technical obligation to tell us everything. That's what the media is there to do, and they still have no obligation to tell us everything. Infact, there are laws stopping the media from doing whatever investigating they want to do! So much for freedom of the press!
Will there be things that could effect us? Yes! Will we be told of them all? No. Will they all effect us? No!
The thing is....climate change and the alike, is not the job of the government to report. It's the job of scientists and the media. Will/could the government effect what they report? Of course they could. Do they? I don't know.
The government doesn't need to tell us everything. We could be near the end of the world, and not be told. Why? Because although we might be there, we might not be. The world has been ending so many times, but it's never truly ended, has it. The levels of panic, coupled with the quality of lifestyle and grinding halt of society and ROL (Rule of Law) would be so much to deal with, that even the best intentioned people could see the benefits of not telling us.
Back in the 60's, when my parents were kids, they were being told we were heading into an ice age. Sputnik ground a country to halt. The End Was Nigh, on the threat of nuclear war, the cold war, and that kind of thing. Did it come to an end? No. Was the panic justified........well.....no, not really. Nothing came of it. If something did come of it, then there would have been a huge problem with not being told. However, if the government causes people to panic, they cause themselves more problems....especially when experience says nothing much will come of it. This is exactly why we are told things at the last minute. Because of the outrage WE (the people of the country) show, when the government warns us of something, and it comes to nothing.
If the country could rationally act on such news, I truly believe we would be better informed. Not necessarily 100% up to date. But Better than we currently are.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
18 November 2012, 21:33,
Posts: 395
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Joined: May 2012
RE: Would they tell us?
One thing I will say is don't rely on the goverment or council they always get it wrong prep for yourself and don't tell anyone unless you have too as for information concerning a shtf scenario I doubt they would say anything except stay put and we will get to you which is a load of cr*p
True heroes don't wear football shirts, they wear dog tags.
18 November 2012, 23:02,
Posts: 38
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RE: Would they tell us?
In the US - Bug In
In Eire - Bug In
In the UK - Bug In
In Asia - Bug Out
22 November 2012, 11:42,
Posts: 90
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Joined: Nov 2012
RE: Would they tell us?
Would have been nice if they had kept us informed about the earthquake swarms that have been plagueing the southern hemisphere for weeks now and have now moved to the northern hemisphere. Several in Europe and 12 around the UK since October with a 2.7 hitting off the west coast of Ireland yesterday.
Or what about the siesmic swarms that have been hitting Iceland for weeks now and have awakened several Volcanoes.
Or you could throw in the worldwide sinkholes that have now started to appear in Englandshire.
What about the twenty odd Super volcanoes on the planet that due to siesmic activity are now classified as in a state of unrest.
Maybe even the moderate size quakes that have been hitting the mid alantic ridge which lies of the west coast of the UK and straight through the centre of Iceland.
Or what about the 50,000 odd starfish that washed up on a beach in Ireland last week.
Try doing a search for Astronomers die in mysterious circumstances and see where that leads you.
Something Strange is going on and they fuckers wont tell you anything but I reckon that all of us on here are doing the right things even if my wife and kids reckon I am nuts.