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Would they tell us?
22 November 2012, 11:52, (This post was last modified: 22 November 2012, 12:06 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Would they tell us?
They may not tell the sheeple directly because THEY like US know exactly what the sheeples response would be, blind panic, riots, looting, arson, extremism, insane demands, looking for people to blame etc BUT................. the signs are out there for those astute enough to look for them and be able to stich the multiple items together. Now I actually dont believe in 2012 and quakestorms etc, but others do that why hundreds of em are trying to climb some mountain in France thats supposed to be the only safe place on Dec 21st !!!!!! Silly buggers but each to their own I guess.

But multiple massive droughts decimated crop yields in US, Canada, Ukraine, Russia, Australia etc coupled with more shit weather buggering up various food frops harvests in India and Asia are one link in my chain.

Second one is the frequency of once in a lifetime storms and once in a decade storms that are now happening every couple of years. Taunton twice in 6 months !!!.

Thirdly energy prices they are now getting insane

Tech problems posting again fuck it.

Fourthly Mass migration, immigration, refugees, etc millions of porly educated, with poor health, large families in tow numbers of Africans and Asians trying to move into Europe

Fifth the crime, dissent, violence, religous extremism, health issue etc associated with number 4

Sixth the galloping rises in terrible violent knife, sex, drug and ethnic gang crime thats blighting most of the larger cities.

Seventh Govt ministers only this morning talking about going back to mining coal in the UK and the terrible price the dirt, noise, pollution etc that wil inflict on the targetted villages. Added to the PM saying we need to build a dozen new towns quickly on greenbelt land to house all these new arrivals.

Tech problems again and I'm getting fed up.
Eighth The economic crisis enveloping Europe and the mass poverty, unemployment, poor health and desperation its causing.

OK add those issues together and then look at what the rich, educated, powerful, associated and middle classes are doing ?

Yup back to Iceberg houses, Gated Communities, Moving out of the cities in growing numbers, Buying smallholdings, buying 2nd homes in remote areas. Moving kids to rural or remote day and boarding schools. Buying gold and silver with their stocks n shares. Those in the know are not preppers they are isolationists, they are talking huge steps to insulate themselves from the coming troubles. We just happen to take a similar route by design.

The info is out there for those willing to look, and more importantly do something about it to protect their families other than whinge about it or expect someone else to take care of them.

I call it evolution cos the Sheeple are likely to go the way of the Dodo and Tasmanian Tiger, utterly reliant on the status quo as it is now and unable to adapt and cut loose from the nanny state and care for themselves.

22 November 2012, 12:08,
RE: Would they tell us?
I am not much of a beleiver myself Raider but the dots are joining for something to happen and as a Scientist the evidence goes against the grain but the evidence is there.
22 November 2012, 12:16, (This post was last modified: 22 November 2012, 12:17 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Would they tell us?
Its just easier to say there COULD be an issue and to adapt our preps, EG I know some seriously well educated preppers up the top of Scotland, who are spending a huge amount of time and effort watching Katla and its relatives in Iceland cos its suffering from multiple quakes all this year.

These guys are so concerned that when they recently had a new roof fitted to their home they had double the amount of roof trusses needed fitted and demanded they were screwed and glued, not held by perf plates. They have bought a second heating oil tank and changed their greenhouse for a bigger dome shapes one that can easily be hosed off if volvanic ash falls. Both their discos have been fitted with high desert spec air intakes and filters in an efort to keep volcanic dust out.

And they bought bloody expensive personal respirators of the type used by vulcanologists !!!.

So Yes theres something afoot, I cant say what but its enough to have me constantly watching international news sources.
How come these bugger up north have so much dosh to lash out on such major upgrades ??

22 November 2012, 22:26,
RE: Would they tell us?
I've been wondering, very recently, whether all the talk that 'global warming is a myth' was a lie.

The recent weather forecast and the number of extreme weather forecasts and reports recently whether global warming is actually real.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
22 November 2012, 22:56,
RE: Would they tell us?
Its not global warming now, its climate change.

22 November 2012, 22:59,
RE: Would they tell us?
the trouble with referring to "global warming" or even "climate change" is that it makes it sound as though the climate will go from one steady(ish) state to another. but,what with the destruction of ecosystems (i.e. destruction of vast swathes of forest on all continents) and the pollution of the air, seas and land, we are seriously upsetting the intricate web of interdependent systems and cycles on this planet, including the climate. a better way of looking at it would be to say climate chaos.
they laugh at us because we're different, we laugh at them because they're all the same
22 November 2012, 23:05,
RE: Would they tell us?
the thing that has spooked me a little is a graph I saw about population numbers that covered 1000's of years and it was steady for 1000's of years but about 200-500 years ago it started to rise and it just shoots up and up and up

I'm wondering just how many people this plant can support?

22 November 2012, 23:39,
RE: Would they tell us?
Put all your negativity aside for a wee while and check this out, now stick with it as its on for a good while and keep an open mind then check out some of the links I have previously posted and by the way the island of Islay just got hit by a quake a 2 pointer. If nothing clicks then come back on and dog me for waisting your time.
23 November 2012, 14:47,
RE: Would they tell us?
This country is hit by small quakes between 200-300 each year these are normally 1-2 pointers. Bearing in mind we do have ancient faultlines that run from scotland to wales and also one in the irish sea
True heroes don't wear football shirts, they wear dog tags.
23 November 2012, 16:18,
RE: Would they tell us?
(23 November 2012, 14:47)Pagan-Mist Wrote: This country is hit by small quakes between 200-300 each year these are normally 1-2 pointers. Bearing in mind we do have ancient faultlines that run from scotland to wales and also one in the irish sea

I reckon you are a wee bit out there, the last time we had a lot of quake activity was in the early 70s, as long as they dont turn into the swarms that europe is now suffering or get bigger me may not notice them, funny though as in the old dayd this would be big news.

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