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What have done towards your prep?
15 December 2012, 11:36,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
I was going to post on here saying that because of work and money I haven't done much lately.... But it's been a productive morning so far. I've just acquired a pistol crossbow, it's only a cheap one but it's quite powerful and accurate, and better than nothing. Also the OH's mum just dropped over a food hamper she's been making for us. dozens and dozens of tins, pasta, rice, and other stuff like that. The missus reckons it'll last about 2 months with what we've got in the house already. Result Smile

“When an empire fears for its survival, its prime has passed.”
15 December 2012, 16:55,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
more tins.....ton of coal.....3 survival books...key ring storage things...20lt water storage container for BOV.. gas bottle wood stove now back on track.... sorted portable gas fire out for daughter 1.. washed out 2@ 900ltr tanks for water storage supply...coil plastic pipe for connecting the tanks
18 December 2012, 15:22,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Installed the CB in the car, got that going. Listened to some boring old farts talk about crazy drivers. Great.
- 2 baofeng UV-5Rs for my friends for Christmas. At least I'll have someone to talk to on the bloody thing now!
- Nagoya NA-774 aerial for the baofeng
- Barnett Banshee Quad compound bow
- Some perfume for the missus. Gotta keep her happy, especially with the amount of parcels arriving at my door at the moment!!
18 December 2012, 15:41,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
(18 December 2012, 15:22)BeardyMan Wrote: - Some perfume for the missus. Gotta keep her happy, especially with the amount of parcels arriving at my door at the moment!!

HAHA, I know that feeling mate.

Today, setting up youtube account to start a whole project of videos. Will be spending LOADS of time sorting them out. Look out Beardy, Swedish Parka review coming up, as promised. As well as a whole host of other videos and the alike. Will I be showing my face......maybe. But I might just get a friend to be infront of the camera for me....let them take the heat haha.

Oh, also, have opted for a distiller water filter, to cut down my fluoride intake. Got to now convince the wife that £150 is a good price.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
18 December 2012, 15:47,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
(18 December 2012, 15:41)Scythe13 Wrote: Got to now convince the wife that £150 is a good price.

Find another one at £300+ and ask her which one she'd prefer!
28 December 2012, 17:40,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
finished my calor gas bottle stove today and pleased with the finished item..more tins...more rice...more pasta ...
31 December 2012, 08:03,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Ordered 3 survival books and going tin shopping later. Next thing on list is probably machete and sharpener. Gonna start clearing my garage later in week when I'm off work and chop loads of scrap dry wood I have in there ready for fire making.
31 December 2012, 10:28,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
New boots and leather gloves with sand in the knuckles
31 December 2012, 11:47,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
(31 December 2012, 10:28)Metroyeti Wrote: New boots and leather gloves with sand in the knuckles

We fitted pieces of lead in our N.I. gloves
Failure is NOT an option
1 January 2013, 11:58,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
I think it's about time I updated this area.

Since my last post above.....

Loads of sharp toys, some food, Mini Survival kit (from the wife for Xmas), an Alternative Off Grid Homes book (from the wife for Xmas), a Bobble water-filter water bottle (from the wife for Xmas), a load of new hiking socks (4 pairs in total...from the Mother-in-Law, via MountainWarehouse Vouchers, for Xmas), a new outdoor jumper (from the wife for Xmas), and I think that's about it.

Done LOADS of fitness work too, and am starting the youtube project soon as well, so that'll be great!
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin

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