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Band of Brothers, Series....yes it's fitness.
9 February 2013, 21:13,
RE: Band of Brothers, Series....yes it's fitness.
(9 February 2013, 20:57)Highlander Wrote:
(9 February 2013, 15:39)Scythe13 Wrote: To be fair, I think running-n-gunning is a good skill to learn. If you need to get out of somewhere, or get to somewhere and shoot, I'd rather be practiced.
I think you are probably right, it would be a good skill,.. but I spent much of my military life in a recce platoon, where we learnt that evasion is a better skill, we were told that if we had to fire at the enemy, we had made a big mistake

See and not be seen,.. or as my signature says,.. a major part of survival is invisibility

I agree. But I think a lot of people are underestimating the need for fitness. People talk about shooting arrows and stuff like that. When under pressure (simulated by running for example) how easy will it be to shoot accurately? Not very.

If your family are being shot at and you run to help them, your shooting at the attackers, would it be effective and accurate, or do you not have the fitness to do one then the other (not you specifically HL, just a general question)?

I know that none of us know what it's like to be in that situation and that simulating rescuing the family isn't viable. However, the fitness part, that we can prep for and work on, is hugely over looked and often made into a joke or dismissed entirely.

In an EOTWAWKI situation, fitness will be so important, and people dont seem to realise that.

Lay low.....I agree. But you can't guarantee you'll remain undetected. s**t, but that's not always an option. Stay under the radar, great words, but when someone kicks your door down, what are you going to do, hide in a finite space hoping for the best?

Seriously, if you had to save a loved one, could you run a mile to their side and effectively apply aid without neesing to take a minute to catch your breath? Could you escape someone that's seen you? Considering they've seen you, ducking down isn't going to work!

What about if you shoot a deer and it isn't a clean kill. Yes you can stalk it, and probably will. Suddenly your miles from home, you have to get home because it's raining or snowing or you heard a gun shot from the direction from home.

There is a reason why obesity is a pretty new phenominan. Because civilisation doesn't require fitness to survive.
What about WTSHTF and survival is dependent on fitness among other things?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
9 February 2013, 22:42,
RE: Band of Brothers, Series....yes it's fitness.
Yes, I agree to survive people will need to be at their fittest, but not super fit,..I think after a couple of weeks we would all become a lot fitter anyway

There is different sorts of fitness, I can walk hard all day, but I am not a great runner, you can be fit to run, yet weak to fight or visa versa... funny enough it was the stalking of the deer that I was thinking of my first post

It will depend on where you live, or where you are when hell breaks loose,...if you are in a city/town, and not careful you may need that fitness you are talking about,..if you are where I am camouflage and stealth will be more important

It also depends on the time of year,.. a good example was during the Faulklands war where our PTIs [physical training instructors ] who were super fit, yet they were the first to go down with exhaustion because it was cold and they carried no fat,.. the more solid/chubby/heaver built man lasted longer.

So what I am trying to say, is fitness is different from person to person,... and its not always about being fit to run
A major part of survival is invisibility.
9 February 2013, 22:56,
RE: Band of Brothers, Series....yes it's fitness.
Totally agree with that HL.

I think people vastly underestimate the need for fitness though.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
10 February 2013, 10:24,
RE: Band of Brothers, Series....yes it's fitness.
i've never been a good runner, even when i was a kid, used to get "the stitch", had flat feet all my life so you could hear me coming anywayBig Grin i prefer the "lay low, evasion" or item C on your list(slink away).
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
10 February 2013, 11:52,
RE: Band of Brothers, Series....yes it's fitness.
(10 February 2013, 10:24)bigpaul Wrote: i've never been a good runner, even when i was a kid, used to get "the stitch", had flat feet all my life so you could hear me coming anywayBig Grin i prefer the "lay low, evasion" or item C on your list(slink away).

Marathon runners run flat footed, or toes first.

It's actually worse for your joints to run feel first, like most people do. We were built to run flat footed or toes first.

I'd always be up for evasion first and foremost. But I think that being able to run away is always a good skill to have in the tool-kit. Just because you can run, doesn't mean it's always the right course of action.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
10 February 2013, 14:26,
RE: Band of Brothers, Series....yes it's fitness.
(10 February 2013, 11:52)Scythe13 Wrote: Marathon runners run flat footed, or toes first.

i walk heels first.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
10 February 2013, 14:31,
RE: Band of Brothers, Series....yes it's fitness.
I've always felt myself to be a fairly fit person until a couple of weeks ago when I had to run for a train....I was totally knackered when I got to my seat and it took about ten minutes for my heart rate to return to normal..Not a good sign!!
Respect existence or expect resistance!
10 February 2013, 15:18,
RE: Band of Brothers, Series....yes it's fitness.
Apparently being able to squat for long periods of time was really important to our ancestors, as they did everything from childbirth to foraging in that position. Good for gardening as well
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
10 February 2013, 20:17,
RE: Band of Brothers, Series....yes it's fitness.
(10 February 2013, 14:31)Ghost Wrote: I've always felt myself to be a fairly fit person until a couple of weeks ago when I had to run for a train....I was totally knackered when I got to my seat and it took about ten minutes for my heart rate to return to normal..Not a good sign!!

Fitness vanishes faster than chocolate on Valentines day!
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
11 February 2013, 11:37,
RE: Band of Brothers, Series....yes it's fitness.
I can't run for shit. Broken pelvis healed in stupid position, blown both my knees - right one is swollen now from moving last weekend, and knackered my ankles.
I can walk quickly for hours and hours, but no running - I look like a mortally wounded, but beautifully graceful deer when I run.

It would be very beneficial to be able to run, there's always times when it's good to "leg it!". I can't run for any distance, but when the need arises I can shift in my own special way. 2 years ago when living above a pub there was a big fight outside, I went to get a couple of my drunken friends from the middle of it as it had moved down a residential street and I heard sirens, hobbled down the road to be met by a group of 18 year old sprinting towards me screaming "RUN! HE'S GOT A GUN!" as they passed. Not needing to be told twice, I spun round and took to my toes - blundering through the group of 18 year old as I pushed them out the way and darted back into the pub. I didn't spill my beer a drop of my beer either - now that's skill!

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