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What clothes are you caching, and how?
7 March 2013, 18:38,
RE: What clothes are you caching, and how?
Back to clothes. My problem is my kids. 1 is 9 & 1 is 4. If I prepped clothes for them from now until death I'd have no room for nothing else. Not to mention the fact that ill look daft for every year that passes & nowt happens. Plus it would be a guessing game as to how tall they'd grow. If they were to be fat, thin, average build. Too many variables just now to make it worth while.

1 thing I do have access to via my mother is knitting machines, plenty wool & also a foot-powered sewing machine. It may be better for me repairing & improvising rather than filling my house with things I may not need.

My mrs. Well she has enough clothes & shoes to last 2 lifetimes Smile
7 March 2013, 18:42, (This post was last modified: 7 March 2013, 18:46 by Luci_ferson.)
RE: What clothes are you caching, and how?
kids are definately next to impossible to prep for clothes wise.
all i can do is make sure they always have a good winter coat. other than that its not worth storing anything.
although i do plan on packing a few unusuall items. as a gift for my daughters, as one day they will hopefully have kids of their own, and the few things ive packed just make a few things simpler.

a few new cloth nappies , safety pins etc.

theyl come in usefull for other stuf anyway , so its no waste of space.

if not they will make a great trade if i ever come across anyone with a newborn
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
7 March 2013, 18:49,
RE: What clothes are you caching, and how?
yes, prepping for kids must be next to impossible, luckily not a problem i've had to deal with. and i've been the same size XXXXL( Fat Bastard)for years!Big Grin although recently i've lost 2 stone by not eating biscuits and pasties(well not too many, pasties that isBig Grin) i get jeans by the bucketload from "Premierman" when their on offer £10 a pair! i get T shirts from "cotton traders" when their on the sale rail--usually last years style! and we buy a lot of second hand stuff in charity shops.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
7 March 2013, 18:52,
RE: What clothes are you caching, and how?
wish i was xxxxl , imagine the uses for any old clothes. you coud turn them into allsorts even smaller clothes for any kids that may appear.
im so skinny id be lucky to make a set of golf club warmers from a pair of jeans lol
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
7 March 2013, 18:53,
RE: What clothes are you caching, and how?
(7 March 2013, 18:49)bigpaul Wrote: we buy a lot of second hand stuff in charity shops.

I love charity shops & junk shops.

Best charity shop find was a hoody that still had original price tag (£35). I paid £2.50

Best junk shop find was an air rifle for £10 but my wife made me sell it when kids came along Sad
7 March 2013, 18:55,
RE: What clothes are you caching, and how?
imagine a scare crow made from bigpauls clothes, then imagine one made from mine, whos field are you raiding.
the giant with the gun or jack skeletons tailor.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
7 March 2013, 19:01,
RE: What clothes are you caching, and how?
Clothes will be important if the breakdown is in winter. Less so in summer and when everyone has the best fur coat they will then look at food and not find any.

I'll take clothes from stores if available but also off dead bodies if I need them. Certain clothes though you won't easily find. Black and Camo tactical gear. Good boots. Best get them now. Making do is second best.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
7 March 2013, 20:34,
RE: What clothes are you caching, and how?
(7 March 2013, 18:30)bigpaul Wrote:
(7 March 2013, 18:23)Ghost Wrote: Do you honestly think that clothes will run out?? Sorry guys n gals I just don't see it.
There aren't enough people on the planet to loot every item of clothing if TSHTF

if you think like that you will be in trouble! they'll take em just cos they can..its got nothing to do with need and everything to do with greed!(humans are good at that) either that or they'll set light to the store out of in the riots..and that applies more so if you live in a city or urban "connerbation" .relying on something to be there AFTER TSHTF is a recipe for disaster.

Good point BP. Never thought of it like that. Thanks!
Respect existence or expect resistance!
7 March 2013, 21:04, (This post was last modified: 7 March 2013, 21:08 by Melissa15.)
RE: What clothes are you caching, and how?
I haven't read all the replies so apologies if this is repetitive. I store our clothes & my childs footwear in vac bags and put them wherever there's space. Most of my stored clothes are for my daughter in ages up to 12, at the moment its a few of each piece of clothing in different sizes, and footwear too. Obviously I wouldn't be able to take it all with me if we had to relocate in a hurry so a lot of it is just stuff bought in sales that I take out when it fits. The only clothing I have packed away for myself are some reclaimed boiler suits from , they are £2.75 or something like that and I just had to alter them a bit. I have some boots that haven't been worn yet too but that's about it, everything else I wear so it's in my wardrobe. isn't the best quality by far but they have some good sales, adult ski jackets for £13.99 at the moment I think, and 'kids' boots (maybe only up to adult size 5) will be exactly the same as the adult ones but somewhat cheaper.
7 March 2013, 21:14, (This post was last modified: 7 March 2013, 21:17 by Luci_ferson.)
RE: What clothes are you caching, and how?
i like the idea of the vac bags, i could store a couple in the rafters of the allotment shed.
and even if the kids outgrow them, they would probably be tradeable if kept well.
other peoples kids clothes wont fit them either.

the kids could even use them just to help in the garden as i replaced them every 6 months or so,
save them using their own clothes.

only really needs to be 1 or 2 vac bags with a few pairs of jeans , and a few warm jumpers etc.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson

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