23 April 2013, 16:17,
(This post was last modified: 23 April 2013, 16:34 by Straight Shooter.)
RE: Good Value Grub
Just to rub salt into the wound MT ..OH just baked off some muffins with cranberries and some Chelsea buns....and Victoria sponge and of course these need testing, which falls on my head....life's a bitch
Bugger, the other boys in the band just turned up for practice , I hate it when cakes are on full view on the table on cooling racks. my bottom lip is going
Sourdough starter recipe.....
there is a good one on youtube just type in sourdough starter, click on (thebreadguy) its easy.... I would link if I knew how to
23 April 2013, 20:14,
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RE: Good Value Grub
Wow, S! I'm impressed with the recipes, particularly the one for chicken nuggets. I never thought of actually making them from scratch, and I can see the potential for all sorts of variations.
The bread recipe looks good too. I do make bread but do not usually add oil (except to pizza dough), but I suspect that your superior flour is the winner there.
I shall be cooking again this week!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
24 April 2013, 19:58,
RE: Good Value Grub
When I was about 8-9 and the mortgage had to be paid ....every month our mam would announce " its cowboy food this week boys" me and 3 brothers.... one of my favourites corned beef hash cabbage broad beans all of which swam around in gravy, with doorstep rounds of home baked bread....still eat that one now ....you don't know what your missing ....try it.... you will be surprised what good old solid wholesome food tastes like.... with a hint of flatulence though...
24 April 2013, 21:00,
Posts: 148
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RE: Good Value Grub
flatulence was a money saver on the heating bills as well.
25 April 2013, 10:26,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Good Value Grub
It was like that with us as well. The best bit was that was the food I enjoyed the most and still do. My mother prepped me for being a prepper. She still has a garage full of food.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
25 April 2013, 10:53,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Good Value Grub
(23 April 2013, 13:15)Straight Shooter Wrote: S13 do you mean RAPESEED OIL
Nope, I mean grapeseed oil. Most supermarkets have it.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
25 April 2013, 13:09,
Posts: 148
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Joined: Apr 2013
RE: Good Value Grub
not to pricey either, only 2.20 ish, depending on branch.
25 April 2013, 15:11,
(This post was last modified: 25 April 2013, 15:16 by Straight Shooter.)
RE: Good Value Grub
the dip
3 tblsn tomato ketchup
3 tblsn salad cream
pinch of chilli powder
pinch of garlic
place all above into a small mixing bowl , give it a whip
Peel and slice carrots about 75 mm long about 3 - 5 mm thick .
use can use most raw veg
stand back .......and watch it all disappear
Thin strips is what your after.
If your kids hate veg.....this will get them eating vegetables
25 April 2013, 15:36,
Vita Navitas
Posts: 6,038
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RE: Good Value Grub
Quick snack, almond butter with celery sticks. Sounds minging, but it's really nice.
Almond butter isn't cheap, but neither is it difficult to make haha.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
25 April 2013, 19:35,
RE: Good Value Grub
Will try that S13 ...right up my street that, will test drive some Friday, will get back with analysis results...Friday eve ha ha