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Defence Weapons Lethal non-gun
8 October 2013, 21:58,
RE: Defence Weapons Lethal non-gun
Infiltration of fringe element forums with an aim to profiling members is a known govt activity and does not take a great amount of time or effort to carry out by an individual - especially if the members are naïve.
"How far back in time do you think our future will be?"
11 October 2013, 20:42,
RE: Defence Weapons Lethal non-gun
If we're talking everyday ideal defence then i vote the humble walking stick.Incongruous and non threatening while still being a highly effective tool,both straight and crooked canes are extremely versatile weapons.
For shtf then in the UK the 12 gauge shotgun to me rules supreme,i would take a gun over anything else and the 12 gauge is one of the most effective weapons if kept under 50 yards for shot.Use improvised ball or slug and you can double that range,(not that i would ever advocate researching on how to make such a load)Angel.
Also it is by far the most common ammunition in the UK.

If guns are a no no then a spear would be my first choice,either ready bought or improvised.I like bows and shoot them but as much as a ranged weapon is preferable neither the bow or crossbow is on the top of my list.The crossbow is slow to reload and the bow requires constant practice,and i'm not sure i could trust either in a high stress situation. A shotgun or polearm would be my choice,unless concealed carry is a concern.

It's all a trade off.For concealed carry a good quality telescopic asp ranks high for me (though illegal to carry).If the rule of law and order no longer applies i'll be concealing a british service kukri.
11 October 2013, 20:48,
RE: Defence Weapons Lethal non-gun
Sounds good...kukri is my joint favourite edged weapon.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
15 October 2013, 18:51,
RE: Defence Weapons Lethal non-gun
Pistol crossbow. Useful for "stay back" threat, If I had to fire it I'd expect to drop it after rather than try and re-load (as effective range means an attacker would be on me before I'd had a chance to re-cock, re-load and aim shot 2).
So I also need some form of backup melee weapon for after using the crossbow.
Stick, baton, machete are all options.
Ideally a woman wants something with the range to keep the attacker (lets assume it's a man) far enough away that he can't grab us. If he grabs us he can use his greater weight to throw us to the ground and then it's all over.
For that reason knives, brass knuckles etc aren't ideal.
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