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our kids, our future
4 November 2014, 09:38,
RE: our kids, our future
your right there, I notice that even on holiday they have to be "entertained"...usually at great expense !!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
4 November 2014, 21:09,
RE: our kids, our future
(3 November 2014, 18:01)Skean Dhude Wrote: MB, A man after my own heart. The truth is Capitalism has never been given free reign but socialism has, and every time it fails with the deaths of millions.

Capitalism has previously been given free roam, and it works nicely - it's what humans are genetically programmed for - sadly what we now have is not capitalism, it's corporatism, which is a crony infested perversion of capitalism where corporates buy influence to change rules / laws / regulations in order to stifle competition. It negates the benefit of capitalism - healthy competition.

It's a cancer, but it's now so powerful it's difficult to imagine it can be stopped. They will bleed us dry, and sadly the general public will not see them for what they are and will blame capitalism, this will lead to a massive backlash and the election of people who shouldn't be trusted to run a public toilet.

4 November 2014, 21:35,
RE: our kids, our future
hit nail on head steve.....your post is the best i have seen ages well done ....very well done !
5 November 2014, 11:24, (This post was last modified: 5 November 2014, 11:44 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: our kids, our future
Capitalism is very flawed, very imperfect but when compared to all of the alternatives its not so bad. As Winston Churchill pointed out
" Capitalism is the unequal sharing of wealth, but socialism is only the equal sharing of misery."

Labourism, Socialism, Trotskyism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, Marxism, Communism regardless of how its dressed it IT NEVER WORKS, it will never work.

As for kids, if people cannot afford to feed em, cloth em, house em, entertain them, socialise them and take care of them then they should not have them. And apart from the heart breaking instances of kiddies being orphaned the state should not be paying ANYTHING towards their upkeep. My spolit brat ( yes he is even if he is a lovely kid) is limited to the amount of time he can use his PC or Gaming machine, even his bloody I phone, if he does not do enrichment at school ( after school activities) walk the dog, tidy his room and treat his mum with respect, I turn off the Home Hub thus disconnecting him from his mates and I take his phone off him. Even at 16 if its a college day its lights out at 10.30 period.

I agree 100% with steve about how free market capitalism has been hijacked by speculators, mega companies, trade union thugs and federalists in Europe.


FFS We don't NEED immigrants, we need OUR youngsters, students, graduates, kids etc to be educated , trained up and given a chance to thrive, instead of the bastard short sighted immediate needs of a London Centric economy that avoids its moral obligations to build up its experts and employees from the massive pool of young Brits, instead simply cherry picking the best of the workers from abroad, who not only take our kids careers, but take the houses, school places etc. The effing useless Lib Lab Con establishment is failing OUR workers, OUR children because of short sightedness and a corrupt pro Europe political agenda.

Look I'm no genius nor are my kids, but they like your kids WANT to thrive and do well, so many of them try to get a university education. So most hard working parents have to bite the bullet to help part fund their childrens education. BUT traditionally and right up to only about ten years ago, your kids, my kids and everyone elses youngsters would take on part time jobs in Uni Towns like Durham, Leeds, Brum, Liverpool, London, Bristol etc . they would work evenings, nights, weekends, and school hols in shops, cafes, bars, clubs, fruit picking, chicken plucking, mail delivering, pizza shops, boutiques etc . That up to ten years ago was the norm in Durham and Teesside and Tyneside, I know because I spent a great deal of time doing work for the Unis then. BUT TODAY go to the bars, cafes shops etc in those towns and all the needed jobs for our kids have been taken by Poles, Latvians, Greeks, Portugese, Estonians etc. Which means many of OUR youngsters can not only no longer afford to go to Uni unless their paents will take on even more debt, BUT also all the "digs" that used to house the 2nd 3rd and 4th years students are now full of immigrant workers and asylum seekers.

Rant over Smile

5 November 2014, 11:56,
RE: our kids, our future
It's ok, the government has found these amazing new immigrants that never get old, have their own kids or need to retire and need more immigrants to support them. Besides even assuming they do get old we can always find a new continent to live on, or colonize mars.
5 November 2014, 11:57,
RE: our kids, our future
trouble is none of them want to get their hands dirty anymore, they all want cushy, well paid jobs where they sit on their arses all day and drink coffee, no one wants to be a brickie or a plumber or a roofer or anything we used to call a Trade, they all think they are going to get well paid white collar jobs and that the world owes them a living....dream on.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
5 November 2014, 13:09,
RE: our kids, our future
My son spent most weekends last year washing pots in a pub to earn a few bob.

5 November 2014, 13:52,
RE: our kids, our future
(5 November 2014, 11:57)bigpaul Wrote: trouble is none of them want to get their hands dirty anymore, they all want cushy, well paid jobs where they sit on their arses all day and drink coffee, no one wants to be a brickie or a plumber or a roofer or anything we used to call a Trade, they all think they are going to get well paid white collar jobs and that the world owes them a living....dream on.

BP is spot on there, but then even in the cushy job's they still have an 'attitude' and rebel whenever they are 'told' to do anything that they do not want to do!

This is of course a generalisation, and not all youngsters are like it, but it is sooo common!
5 November 2014, 14:32,
RE: our kids, our future
In the old days students used to fund their jolleys through uni by tater picking, strawberry picking, working in summer camps, working in Kibutz, working in hotels, working in bars and hotels. Today most of em simply do not get that choice cos the migrants have taken the jobs and choice away.

No one can tell me British youngsters are lazier or weaker than their European counterparts, I see the proof in the pudding every 13 weeks at ITC Catterick when the new recruits pass off the square, I see British youngsters with missing limbs or coming home in body bags, tell me when you last read of over 500 French, German, Spanish, Greek or Italian kids being killed in combat.

5 November 2014, 16:47,
RE: our kids, our future
(5 November 2014, 14:32)NorthernRaider Wrote: In the old days students used to fund their jolleys through uni by tater picking, strawberry picking, working in summer camps, working in Kibutz, working in hotels, working in bars and hotels. Today most of em simply do not get that choice cos the migrants have taken the jobs and choice away.

No one can tell me British youngsters are lazier or weaker than their European counterparts, I see the proof in the pudding every 13 weeks at ITC Catterick when the new recruits pass off the square, I see British youngsters with missing limbs or coming home in body bags, tell me when you last read of over 500 French, German, Spanish, Greek or Italian kids being killed in combat.

Good point and I think the structure and discipline of the military is exactly what is missing in society, we have gone so PC that the thugs and chav's like for example those that you have mentioned setting fire to bins and killing farm animals etc in your village, just know that no one is going to really reprimand or punish them for it. But those entering the military are taught about respect, authority and the value of life, and they are much better people for it.

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