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Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
17 December 2014, 14:43, (This post was last modified: 17 December 2014, 14:50 by bigpaul.)
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
I find that very confusing, I thought the whole point of prepping/survivalism was about considering ALL scenarios and possibilities, isn't that where "prepare for the worst, hope for the best" originates from? to exclude something just because one thinks "it'll never happen" is surely just one removed from a sheeple, I don't just think about "the collapse" and exclude everything else but I include everything and anything right up to and including the collapse ...and beyond.

all I ask is that people at least CONSIDER the possibility and not rule it out in an off hand way, its more a case of "what if", what if it happened? could people cope and what could they do to increase their chances of survival, if they haven't already done so.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
17 December 2014, 14:50,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
Fair point BP but other folk DO come to prepping for other reasons, EG Urban dwellers looking on how to survive stuff like inner city riots, or food shortages or just living in a dangerous hood, Those of us with more time on our hands and probably more funds will indeed do as you suggest and explore more and alternative options and issues. There is one recent member who is from Tyneside if I remember right and his sole interest was in helping him plan better to survive long periods of unemployment. That nice chap from London (Mandela ?) came to learn about urban prepping and how to stop his children getting dragged into ethnic street gangs. I doubt but am not certain but I think that many of our members have identified one or two issues they are concerned about and want to focus only on those issues, that's their right and good for them. But some may read your stuff about longer term issues and think " I never thought about that" and ask to learn more.

17 December 2014, 14:52,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
I’ll be honest as an outsider looking in it looks like you’re going out of your way to be offended, the insults and high horse attitude certainly add veracity to the opinion, maybe I’m wrong but I thought I’d put it out there anyway.

General Post:
The die off for such a back track in technology would have to be HUGE (70-90% globally), could it happen? Yup sure it could, honestly though how likely is it?
Regarding the ever dwindling pile of resources, it’s a fair comment it’s brought to the fore in Survivors for you fiction fans but here’s the thing:
Initially you have a massive pile of resources food, equipment and knowledge, it’s up to you the survivor as to how far back you let things slip. The knowledge is there to be learned and shared the food, cloths, equipment and materials provide a buffer, a wind turbine or water wheel that can generate even a small amount of electricity would make a huge difference to such a rebuild.

You can implement what can be learned allowing time for more learning and even raw material gathering, if you think you’re going to do it on your own with a family group or even family and extended family group then you will end up grubbing out a Dark Age existence. So what does this tell us? You’re going to need people, lots of em . If you’re easily offended, anti-social or just a d*ck that likes to go out of their way to rub people up the wrong way, you’ll be grubbing out that Dark Age existence and not rebuilding.

The best of it is if you really consider it a very real possibility you can start now learning, sharing, networking and building both your own knowledge and skill base as well as your groups…… or you can sit and bitch on an internet forum because someone doesn't agree with you Rolleyes

Some of you might want to look up the Lammas Project ( I can’t believe none of you have mentioned it already) &

It's up to you, you can be proactive or reactive........... I know which increases your chances of survival Tongue

I’ll leave you experts to argue it out, while I retire back to my armchair.
17 December 2014, 15:13,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
I think too many people have the attitude that "civilisation" is too big to fail, I think that is wishful thinking in that the very fact that we have come this far we have further to fall WHEN the inevitable happens, I think the Ancient Romans, The Pharohs, the Aztecs and the Mayans all thought their civilisations were going to last forever, heck even the Nazis thought "the third reich" was going to last for a thousand years!!! take away our technology, easy to do as most of it depends on electricity in some form or other to make it work, and the human race will be as helpless as little babies, well most of them anyway.Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
17 December 2014, 15:27, (This post was last modified: 17 December 2014, 15:28 by Lightspeed.)
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
Smudge: Lammas project is interesting, I've not heard of it before. Thanks for bringing it to attention.

Have you visited it?

How's it progressing?

Good luck to them.
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
17 December 2014, 15:45,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
Its a good find, cheer Smudge the only other place I had heard of in Wales was the CAT centre

17 December 2014, 15:54,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
off topic but you might find this useful.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
17 December 2014, 16:31,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
Another good find, not off topic in my book ?

17 December 2014, 16:35,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
that's cos we are reading different booksBig Grin it happens every time.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
17 December 2014, 18:35,
RE: Exploring JOHN and PAULS views sensibly
according to UK govt own report "during an emergency only 10-20% of people will demonstrate RATIONAL THOUGHT, the majority around 75% will become STUNNED & BEWILDERED, and a small number will display MANIC behaviour".
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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