RE: Brexit will you be increasing your prepping?
As the US economy now stands we are in better shape than we have experienced in 10 years.
The real economists, not the political hacks but the real bean counters, just this month announced that housing starts, home prices, unemployment and wages were all back to pre-2008 levels and the "Great Recession" was actually over. This is 8 years after TPTB claimed it was over in the national propaganda while we were still trying to pull our individual selves out of the mire.
I have been "Prepping" since 1970 and for the entire 47 years I have heard the same message, heard the same advice and watched the same people get rich selling books, gear and supplies. In that 47 years of observation I have seen the cycle rotate several times and the result is always the same. The doom-sayers sell books, tapes and disks, the freeze dried food vendors laugh all the way to the bank and the surplus materials dealers build bigger estates.
I have also seen that there is one continuous truth about preppers. No matter what happens, where they are, or what the date shows be it 1960 or 2017, they are still preparing for the same series of fears; financial collapse, social collapse, political collapse, World War 3, return to the dark ages. Some of us older fellows have seen three generations discover this instinctive fear and fund the continued wealth of the authors and vendors.
The real enlightenment is that no matter how good things are or how well everyone all around is doing the prepper still retains his/her deep seated fear of whatever it is that makes their butts pucker.
Is prepping a home remedy for clinical depression? When you just can not see how anything good is going to happen, the government is filled with buffoons, your pay check simply will not cover the expenses, the doctor gives you a bad report or you decide you wish to become the king of the world during the coming social collapse, prepping gives one something to do to distract from reality. Cans of beans under the sink, a wind turbine on the roof, a catapult, butcher knife and a cricket bat to stave off the attacking hordes, scrambling through boot sales looking for scrap gold.
I suppose it is something to do even if it makes no real sense.
I reached a point of realization when it occurred to me that I had enough food to outlast my supply of heart medication and age, wear and tear was now my great limitation and would be what decided when I will expire.
I am going to die, probably during the next decade. No amount of prepping is going to change that. I do not need a new supply of food with a 30 year shelf life, I now have trouble getting in and out of the Bug Out Vehicle and I am in pain much of the time, in fact I am in pain as I type this post. All of the gear I have accumulated will probably one day be sold to fund my stay in the old folks home if I do not fall of a roof and kill myself while trying to do some kind of prepper $h!t.
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Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.