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Catalonia declares Independence
13 October 2017, 17:08,
RE: Catalonia declares Independence
Sorry you can no longer afford a pint at the pub SS. Such reports would really question the ranking of the UK as the #5 economy in the world and holding one of the highest standards of living on the planet.

I think the real question in the Spanish situation is the test of "Rule of Law". Has "rule of law" been suspended when one part of an economic structure does better than another when all are in a "federal system" that was agreed on prior to the event.

Every nation has areas of low production and areas of higher production. Is it up to the high producing areas to decide that the low producing areas of their nation should be forced into perpetual poverty because they provide food and vegetables rather than mass produced goods?

Every nation has laws to insure the cohesion of that nation or are these "laws" to be applied according to convenience.

As an example, is it proper for Catalonia to succeed from Spain but not proper for the Crimea to succeed from the Ukraine?

At the end of the U.S Civil War laws were added to ensure that states would not every again succeed from our union. One provision is that all the States of the Union must approve of any other state's succession unanimously. It is literally impossible to succeed from the U.S. Union! In spite of this, every election cycle we have a rash of demands and threats of succession.

The fact is that no state in a federal system can succeed legally. Any succession in the U.S., Spain or any other Federal system would involve the seizure of National (Federal) property by the successionists which is an act of treason and automatic declaration of war by the succeeding state against the Federal Union. Civil war is assured and depending on the side the media chooses to back, one side is going to be vilified and the other supported by the tabloid reading world.

In the present case it appears that the media is backing the succession movement, which probably means that the Spanish government will fall as a result of the process. And I mean fall, not just change PM and cabinet and issue now postage stamps.

The last Spanish civil War was a struggle between ideologies; Fascism versus Communism.

This one will be "rich local area" against the legitimate and recognized nation of Spain.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by Mortblanc - 12 October 2017, 20:00
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by Mortblanc - 13 October 2017, 17:08
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by MaryN - 13 October 2017, 18:10
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by MaryN - 13 October 2017, 18:11
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by Mortblanc - 14 October 2017, 16:43
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by Mortblanc - 14 October 2017, 22:02
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by Skean Dhude - 15 October 2017, 09:33

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