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Catalonia declares Independence
14 October 2017, 16:43,
RE: Catalonia declares Independence
Every country in Europe and Asia has rag-tag ethnic groups that claim to have no association with their ruling countries. Is that good reason to redraw the world map?

The problems being exhibited by the horrid deals given to member nations by the EU seems to be the key issue here, not if Catalonia should succeed for Spain.

If you in GB had not had an "exit strategy" included in your attempt to join all Europe you would, and you are to a great extent, be caught in one of the Federal Systems which legally binds you to the bad decisions of an entity that does not have your best interest at heart. And the EU is new. Before them came the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, Napoleon, the Third Reich and other less memorable intrusions into personal liberty. All of them involving one State dominating another, or all the others.

Suddenly everyone in Europe is realizing they did not make the present contracts of government, their grandfathers made them, often under military duress. Many nations were shaped by the decisions of WW1 and WW2 and some, such as Spain, by events between the wars.

We are seeing the emergence of a new form of "Civil War", one fought in the press and on the news screen and controlled by the media outlets and not by the governments or by the people in those governments.

Self determination of nations is a great thing, until one realizes the reduced tax base will not support the National Health and there are not enough guards on the border to stop the uncontrolled immigration, or there are no longer any borders to guard, or every town has its own border and you have to pay to use the road, or as in Africa, where you pay to enter and pay more to leave.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by Mortblanc - 12 October 2017, 20:00
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by Mortblanc - 13 October 2017, 17:08
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by MaryN - 13 October 2017, 18:10
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by MaryN - 13 October 2017, 18:11
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by Mortblanc - 14 October 2017, 16:43
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by Mortblanc - 14 October 2017, 22:02
RE: Catalonia declares Independence - by Skean Dhude - 15 October 2017, 09:33

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