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cyber attack
17 October 2018, 20:55,
RE: cyber attack
In the 70s we had two Valor “vector” paraffin heaters, paraffin at the time was if i remember rightly just 11 pence per gallon, then with the 1979 fuel crisis the price tripled ( but paraffin was still economical - no tax).

What made us give up oil heating was one time i did not fit the chimney correctly and smoke and soot filled the house, the heater would not cut out and my wife carried it outside fortunately without getting burned.

After we had cleaned and decorated where nesessary we had gas central heating fitted. Since then i have never used oil heaters or lamps indoors nor do i ever intend too.

We have loads of tea lights and some lanterns that take them (£1.50 each) completely safe. Wind up led lanterns are also very useful.

As for heating we have mains gas central heating, if the electricity is cut off so is the heating. I don’t think 12 volts into an inverter would work, but we have nearly 2 tonnes of smokeless solid fuel with which we can cook as well as heat the bungalow.

Messages In This Thread
cyber attack - by roddas - 16 October 2018, 13:50
RE: cyber attack - by Mortblanc - 16 October 2018, 15:47
RE: cyber attack - by Pete Grey - 16 October 2018, 16:48
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 16 October 2018, 17:18
RE: cyber attack - by LAC - 22 October 2018, 08:59
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 22 October 2018, 09:16
RE: cyber attack - by LAC - 22 October 2018, 16:36
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 22 October 2018, 17:06
RE: cyber attack - by Pete Grey - 16 October 2018, 20:19
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 17 October 2018, 08:54
RE: cyber attack - by bigpaul - 17 October 2018, 13:39
RE: cyber attack - by Pete Grey - 17 October 2018, 13:53
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 17 October 2018, 14:19
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 17 October 2018, 14:49
RE: cyber attack - by Mortblanc - 17 October 2018, 17:16
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 17 October 2018, 17:51
RE: cyber attack - by Pete Grey - 17 October 2018, 20:55
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 18 October 2018, 08:10
RE: cyber attack - by Straight Shooter - 18 October 2018, 10:19
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 18 October 2018, 11:52
RE: cyber attack - by Pete Grey - 18 October 2018, 16:45
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 18 October 2018, 17:23
RE: cyber attack - by Mortblanc - 18 October 2018, 21:21
RE: cyber attack - by Pete Grey - 18 October 2018, 22:08
RE: cyber attack - by Mortblanc - 19 October 2018, 19:04
RE: cyber attack - by Straight Shooter - 18 October 2018, 22:24
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 19 October 2018, 08:47
RE: cyber attack - by Pete Grey - 19 October 2018, 20:32
RE: cyber attack - by Straight Shooter - 19 October 2018, 23:33
RE: cyber attack - by LAC - 20 October 2018, 11:49
RE: cyber attack - by roddas - 21 October 2018, 09:11

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