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Random pedal question
2 November 2018, 19:01,
RE: Random pedal question
That would be the unspecified site when and where emergency need over rides other considerations.

I once "borrowed" a JCB for 15 minutes to un-stick my Ford pickup from a corn field. I did not realize I knew how to drive one of those until that very minute!

That was 40 years ago so the statute of limitations has run out on digger theft. I have often wondered if the diggers realized the JCB was backwards Monday from how they left it Friday.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

Messages In This Thread
Random pedal question - by Mortblanc - 29 October 2018, 23:34
RE: Random pedal question - by Straight Shooter - 30 October 2018, 09:43
RE: Random pedal question - by Mortblanc - 31 October 2018, 16:53
RE: Random pedal question - by Straight Shooter - 31 October 2018, 17:18
RE: Random pedal question - by Mortblanc - 1 November 2018, 15:27
RE: Random pedal question - by bigpaul - 1 November 2018, 15:47
RE: Random pedal question - by Mortblanc - 2 November 2018, 19:01

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