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What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
21 June 2020, 00:03,
RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
Pete our isolation has been a bit different than yours but it appears that you are restricting yourself more than the "recommendations" and that is your choice and right.

If you are going out for hardware let me make a suggestion which guided me through the restrictions.

When I went out the door I had a list of purchases to make and a schedule for when to go to which stores. One thing they did here was post the times when the stores were in heaviest use you we seniors could avoid those times.

When I left the house I wear a mask and I do not remove it until I return home and wash my hands. Sanitizer is in the vehicle with me and I use it when returning to the vehicle from each store. Alcohol in a spray bottle will work too.

I also have disinfectant and paper towels for washing down shopping trolleys before I enter the store.

I would make one trip out, get all my established needs, by the list, in one trip and not have to go back out for another two week interval.

Wearing a mask is now an established thing and no one thinks a bit over it or looks at you like you are strange. It is now part of life even though some resist the use. I will probably wear a mask when shopping for the remainder of my days. Just because this flu has not gotten me does not mean the next one will skip me.

Many of our stores are now offering a standard pick up service, even the hardware shops and small shops, so that you can call in a need or a list of needs, pull up to the door and they will bring the delivery out to the vehicle. That has become part of life here too.

You are going to have to go outside and mingle sooner or latter. That first trip can be a bit of a struggle but you get accustomed to the precautions eventually and they become the norm.
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RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - by Mortblanc - 21 June 2020, 00:03

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