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So what’s next ?
16 March 2022, 23:09,
RE: So what’s next ?
(24 February 2022, 15:15)Straight Shooter Wrote: So what comes next ? As a result of Russia invading Ukraine ? And how will it effect us in the UK , Europe and the rest of the world ? And while everyone is watching and giving their full attention .....China my well have its own designs on one of its own ? that would be a huge crap sandwich !’s going to become hard for most all people , prolonged food shortages prolonged supply chain problems and major inflation increases .....but don’t be down ! Do things that you can control ! ...start growing your own food ! Raise some rabbits .....keep some chickens if you can find some room .....promote things that you can have control over and think long term the end of the day you are responsible for you and yours ! Best you start getting stuck in ! .

If this conflict is not peacefully resolved very soon (three to four weeks) and the sanctions drag on for a year or more (they will - this is a plan, not a side effect) then 2.4 BILLION people face: starvation due to crop loss (fertiliser shortage), lack of imports; the fuel deprivation means: no diesel for irrigation, farming, cultivation, and harvesting or transporting goods to shops - good luck to the soy powered global climate change brigade who think that 40 tonnes of food can be hauled to a supermarket using only unicorn farts.
Here comes a nugget of science - buckle up: Russia has stopped export of neon gas - we had a microchip shortage back in 2020 because of the bum paper war and the coof - we now lack one of the most important gasses used in microchip production and exports in the region are now somewhat endangered - get your flags up, boys. I am sure nagging nora does not need a microchip (sarcasm), I am sure we (UK / USA) are all fly by wire (sarcasm), I'm sure the Navy do not need any such thing either. I am sure not single tractor or combined harvester in the UK needs a chip. I am sure it will all be just fine - not.
The RAF fly planes from the 1960's - solar flare, emp? Yup we're good if that is all we are facing. Nuke? Depends where it hits. Do you want to spend a few hours in an irradiated flying coffin - nah, screw that.

Mutually Assured Destruction. I hope at least one person has mentioned it on this forum already. The basic premise is that the 'bad' guys will not fire nukes on the 'good' guys because 'they' would get a launch detection, the monsters would be unleashed from the bull pits, and there would be lots of casualties on both sides and so why do it at all.
That was the premise - Yeah, 30 years ago. Well, the tech moved on. Look at what your countries fly, sail and submerge - does it seem cutting edge? Have you researched what other countries have? Really? Again, I am not even bothering to put out project names; honestly, what would be the f'ing point really?

The last thing I need to do here is to mention that Iran shelled buildings in Iraq, some of which were close to US infrastructure there, a few days ago. The name of the missile used was 'Fateh' it means 'conqueror' in Arabic - for any folks who have read the book of Revelation.
If this happened 10 years ago, would it have made the news headlines? After the towers and all that jazz? Yeah, I reckon it'd have been front page.
Did YOU hear about it? Maybe, if you do your research.
Will there be anything said or any retaliatory strikes? Nope. Why? America needs oil from the ME because Joe the kiddy sniffer will not green light more oil refineries in the USA.
Does the USA have the oil - yes. You can drag it out the ground all the live long day but if y'all cannot process it ... fuel shortages, all intentional under green new deal.
Yup. Imagine living in Nevada with no air con in the summer; imagine living in Minnesota with no heating in the fall. Yeah, I really do have pals in the US.

I do not need to mention that China considers Taiwan to be part of 'their' territory.

Do you remember when i typed about the agreement signed by 140 ish countries - oh go on, you know, the plan to repudiate the USA petro dollar thus erasing the global reserve currency status; Operation Sandman, right? - Yeah, so who won't answer the phone to Joe the sniffy? Is it the very people he hopes will give him fuel? Yes, it is. JOE, JUST MAKE MORE REFINERIES AND GRANT DRILLING RIGHTS - the rights you've been withholding under the green new deal or the global reset as your handlers calls it. Check the WEF site for details - if they have not taken it all down already. If Joe does not, then the US dollar is toast, as is: UK sterling, Euro trash, Canadian dollar and any other country that has not had the sense to dump all bonds held in US dollar and to buy up gold bullion. Good luck with your 401K guys. Good luck with UK pension plans too.
Loads are dumping China bonds, as they like to print lots of useless paper too. Oh well at least they have stuff to wipe with - that is if any of us even get through any of this.
This is best projection on current situations - taking into account all the current bollox and sabre rattling - they have tried to cut out a lot of incoming info and data but it is there, if you know where to to dig.

If any of you dared to gripe in 2020 or 2021 .. well, my advice is grow a spine and some B*lls, as all of you are going to need them very soon - ladies included.
QUEUE: Bachman - Turner Overdrive - You ain't seen nothing ... fill in the blanks.

Messages In This Thread
So what’s next ? - by Straight Shooter - 24 February 2022, 15:15
RE: So what’s next ? - by bigpaul - 24 February 2022, 15:57
RE: So what’s next ? - by MaryN - 24 February 2022, 18:08
RE: So what’s next ? - by Ajax - 24 February 2022, 19:51
RE: So what’s next ? - by Straight Shooter - 24 February 2022, 21:34
RE: So what’s next ? - by Ajax - 24 February 2022, 23:03
RE: So what’s next ? - by bigpaul - 25 February 2022, 09:34
RE: So what’s next ? - by Straight Shooter - 25 February 2022, 10:00
RE: So what’s next ? - by bigpaul - 25 February 2022, 10:35
RE: So what’s next ? - by Ajax - 25 February 2022, 15:48
RE: So what’s next ? - by bigpaul - 25 February 2022, 16:38
RE: So what’s next ? - by Ajax - 25 February 2022, 17:54
RE: So what’s next ? - by Straight Shooter - 25 February 2022, 16:43
RE: So what’s next ? - by bigpaul - 26 February 2022, 09:25
RE: So what’s next ? - by Skean Dhude - 28 February 2022, 12:21
RE: So what’s next ? - by bigpaul - 28 February 2022, 13:42
RE: So what’s next ? - by Skean Dhude - 28 February 2022, 16:13
RE: So what’s next ? - by bigpaul - 28 February 2022, 16:28
RE: So what’s next ? - by Ajax - 16 March 2022, 23:09
RE: So what’s next ? - by Pete Grey - 17 March 2022, 20:31
RE: So what’s next ? - by Pete Grey - 17 March 2022, 21:28
RE: So what’s next ? - by Ajax - 21 March 2022, 17:36
RE: So what’s next ? - by bigpaul - 18 March 2022, 10:22
RE: So what’s next ? - by Straight Shooter - 18 March 2022, 10:51
RE: So what’s next ? - by bigpaul - 18 March 2022, 14:06
RE: So what’s next ? - by Skean Dhude - 19 March 2022, 09:43
RE: So what’s next ? - by Pete Grey - 20 March 2022, 00:29
RE: So what’s next ? - by bigpaul - 20 March 2022, 09:07
RE: So what’s next ? - by Straight Shooter - 20 March 2022, 09:34
RE: So what’s next ? - by bigpaul - 22 March 2022, 10:57

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