Okay then, here we go.
He's where you'll catch the photos I upload.
That photo is my U-L BOB. The small silver thing on the side is my ipod, then there's a plastic hat thing out of the BOB, above that. On the left you have a knife, headphones for the ipod, my first set of keys with a kubatan (if the police ask, it's a sex toy.....which makes it confiscatable, but not punishable....and it is a sex toy......don't you dare say anything Mike haha). Below that is my car keys, complete with thermomiter/compass keyring thing, and fire flint. Then next to that is my new phone.
You can also see my inflaitable matress strapped outside my bag.
Other than that, the only things you can't see are my clothes I'm wearing, 2 paracord bracelets with emergency whistles, the iphone I'm taking the photo with, and my waterproof snowboard jacket (it's only a skinny, not a thermal one).
As always, there will be a write up about the whole thing and the lessons learned, as well as LOADS of photos. Just what you've come to expect of me.
See you all soon.
Oh, and thanks to my solar chargers, I'll probably still be posting on here now and again. But batteries could easily run out by Sunday.
Take care and speak soon.