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Idiotic government and London Olympic security
12 July 2012, 08:03,
RE: Idiotic government and London Olympic security
While I'm not able to prep as much as you guys I have stocked up inthe last few weeks specifically because I am expecting some Shiz to happen at the Olympics. I think at work even though I am a couple of hours away from London we have some sort of back up/lack of leave should we need it and I can't see why.

Ho hum.

As much as I do honestly believe something will
Happen there is still the whole feeling of false flag we need to protect you from some unknown threat and thy is why we need this extra security measure or spying ability that won't get turned off or repealed after the event.

Other than that, there is something in the news annoying about the Olympics every day. Yesterday the 3500 army security. Today nomine but mcdonalds allowed to sell chips. Woo

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RE: Idiotic government and London Olympic security - by Carnebwen - 12 July 2012, 08:03

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