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My real life Bug Out Radio
27 July 2012, 17:22,
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio
(27 July 2012, 16:30)Hrusai Wrote: awh sucks xD so what would you say a maximum range of a uv52 setup would be? 10 miles max?

well i would like to keep in contact with all you guys, but if its too hard then i wont bother....but the whole point of surviving an apocalypse aint to simply be on your own till you die, your gonna need to band together in time whatever happens...we're social creatures and we dont accomplish anywhere near as much on our own, whereas we'd make a good little tribe xD

plus i reckon us alot would have one hell of a post apocalypse party xD

hmm so cb radio is probably a good avenue to go down then? i dont think i'd go for nvis or ham, as they seem expensive and bulky Tongue

The 5r will achieve 3 to say 12 miles range on average, so you should plan around an expecation of say 6 or 7 miles.

CB will do better, say 10 miles, but only with a good sized, probably fixed antenna. A hand held unit will perform largely th e same as the 5r

Ham and in particular High Frequency Ham equipment will get you best range but the antennas really do have to be fized, especially for transmitting and these things will be 20 to 40 metres long.

Your point about not wanting to be on your own after the event and wanting to communicate with people changes things. ( but read a lot about this as communicating and reaching out runs a big risk of getting you raided....

But assuming everything has sttled down to a steady state after the event, I think you'l find most renaining-operative radio stations will be of the hand held PMR446 variety. I personally encouage every prepper to be at least cover off this format ( and the 5r does so with ease)

i haven't a view on wether CB or Ham will be next most common.

There are a lot more existing Ham stationsin the UK ( around 65,000) but ham operators are somewhat aged as a group of people and one has to wonder how many of them will make through the apocalype? ( then again these guys are very resiliant, having grown up and lived through times of depression and war, so they might just surprise everyone)

Current CB stations fall into three groups. Feckless idiots who just use them today as a form of low cost social amusement, Truck drivers and CB enthusiasts, and Preppers. Foget about the first group they will not be around once they run out of crisps. The last two groups, are generally hardy, reailiant, and in the case of our own kind, prepared. So there could be a disproportionately large number of post SHTF CB stations operating.

On this forum we are trying to establish common ground between preppers so that valid radio comms choices can be made. If you want to have guaranteed long range coms the Ham route is the way to go, and a number of us are doing just that even as I write.

There's a groupe who (rightly) believe that it is most important to be able to commnicate over a smaller area, one that correspondes to approximately one days travel ob fot from the BOL. This equates to approx 10 -15 miles range and CB is adequate for this. This same range is possible on VHF and UHF but without using heavy power, this will require the use of beam antennas. This may be viable long after the event, but initially will draw lots of attenton and will certainly be bad for OPSEC.

The walkie talkie rote is the easiest to implemt and easiest to grab and go if Bugging out is called for, but its also the least effective range wise.

Difficult decisions I know. Look up PFR3a, adn Small wonder labs SW 40 for low cost ham solutions, Truck King sell base lebvel CBs for around 50 quid, and hand held CBs will set you back around 100. PMR446 and compatible stuff we've already discussed.

Gotta go now, Mrs LS calls.

72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out

Messages In This Thread
My real life Bug Out Radio - by Lightspeed - 27 July 2012, 15:16
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio - by Hrusai - 27 July 2012, 15:24
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio - by Lightspeed - 27 July 2012, 15:38
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio - by Nemesis - 27 July 2012, 15:44
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio - by Hrusai - 27 July 2012, 15:52
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio - by Lightspeed - 27 July 2012, 16:02
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio - by Hrusai - 27 July 2012, 16:14
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio - by Lightspeed - 27 July 2012, 16:22
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio - by Hrusai - 27 July 2012, 16:30
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio - by Lightspeed - 27 July 2012, 17:22
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio - by Hrusai - 27 July 2012, 18:12
RE: My real life Bug Out Radio - by Lightspeed - 27 October 2020, 13:28

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