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Survival Radio Musts, Shoulds, Coulds
3 August 2012, 00:43,
RE: Survival Radio Musts, Shoulds, Coulds
I do understand what the toing and froing is about.

We have seen threads recently where all this has been discussed only for it to be viewed as one big headache.

We've all tried to point out the easiest comms setup , UKFM CB on CH19.

The more questions we've been asked and tried to answer , the more it has become apparent that trying to standardise the kit won't work , so we have to standardise the frequency instead.

500mW might get a signal out for one of us , where 5W might not make it for others.

I pointed out the capabilities of PMR446 , and the ease of modding the handsets ( and BASE-sets ) to full power and multi-bands....and was shot down in flames for making things more complicated. Now it seems the penny has dropped and what was a complication is now seen as an advantage just as I tried to point out ?? Angry

I'm out of this discussion as of now , it's been fun trying to share some insights , but when the help I try to give is disregarded , and I am ignored then what's the point.
Trying very hard not to be paranoid.....and it aint getting easier.

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RE: Survival Radio Musts, Shoulds, Coulds - by The Local Ned - 3 August 2012, 00:43

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