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20 August 2012, 09:06, (This post was last modified: 20 August 2012, 09:11 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Armaggedon
(19 August 2012, 22:37)Paul Wrote:
(19 August 2012, 19:56)Hrusai Wrote: some of us cant relocate, because its not possible, not just convenience Tongue

You're not alone Hrusai.
We can't relocate because of the mess the housing market is in.
As for where to relocate to, we're giving VERY serious consideration to buying a one way ticket off this sinking Island.
After all what's here to stay for?
Draconian Taxes, stupid laws, our system of government, no work, the pension I'll never be old enough to collect, and a collapsing health service.
Or have I missed anything even remotely good?

There was a prepper from Stokesley who was so far in negative equity and so pissed off with the way the UK was going he declared himself bankrupt, let em repossess his house , moved out to a village near Masham in a rented property, but there was one small problem, he wanted to emigrate but the bankrupcy statement meant the Aussies barred him. Poor sod, But he was fairly content in Masham with his allotment and preps last time i heard from him.

In our case we were so seperate to get out of teesside we decided to take the negative equitity on the chin and sold the house for less than we paid for it, twas a real bugger and a hell of a struggle but 7 years on we feel in general we did the right thing and are much happier, more settled and far better prepped.

So dont give up mate the housing market keeps picking up a bit.
(19 August 2012, 23:39)Hrusai Wrote: but no, i dont think theres anythign to stay for myself, i'd rather be in america Tongue

America is a big place and much of it is in a bigger mess than the UK, The preppers I knew and loved some much in Kansas and Colorado are all wanting to move to the pacific north west, Montana, Idaho etc, and more than a few Merkins are moving out of the US into Canada and the Baja area of Mexico, they thing the Feds are getting repressive and totalitarian and some Merkins think civil war 2 is inevitable.
(20 August 2012, 07:19)Prepaday Wrote: America? No way, that's poss one of the first places that TSWHTF....houses in Europe are 10 a penny just now, land is really cheap also. If things stay as they are, in 10 years I'm off this Island also. There's a lovely house really and I mean really high up in the mountains in Italy going for 25k...yeah it's gonna be cold in the winter but a few log burners will see to that.

We fancy Belgrade cos we have friends out there.


Messages In This Thread
Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 19 August 2012, 14:14
RE: Armaggedon - by NorthernRaider - 19 August 2012, 14:20
RE: Armaggedon - by Paul - 19 August 2012, 15:18
RE: Armaggedon - by Hrusai - 19 August 2012, 14:33
RE: Armaggedon - by NorthernRaider - 19 August 2012, 19:12
RE: Armaggedon - by Wildman - 3 October 2012, 10:05
RE: Armaggedon - by Prepaday - 19 August 2012, 16:00
RE: Armaggedon - by Hrusai - 19 August 2012, 16:14
RE: Armaggedon - by Nemesis - 19 August 2012, 18:39
RE: Armaggedon - by Kenneth Eames - 19 August 2012, 17:20
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 19 August 2012, 17:50
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 19 August 2012, 19:29
RE: Armaggedon - by NorthernRaider - 19 August 2012, 19:36
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 19 August 2012, 19:43
RE: Armaggedon - by NorthernRaider - 19 August 2012, 19:56
RE: Armaggedon - by Tarrel - 2 October 2012, 19:30
RE: Armaggedon - by Hrusai - 19 August 2012, 19:56
RE: Armaggedon - by Paul - 19 August 2012, 22:37
RE: Armaggedon - by Hrusai - 19 August 2012, 23:39
RE: Armaggedon - by NorthernRaider - 20 August 2012, 09:06
RE: Armaggedon - by Tibbs735 - 19 August 2012, 20:10
RE: Armaggedon - by Prepaday - 20 August 2012, 07:19
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 20 August 2012, 11:25
RE: Armaggedon - by Prepaday - 20 August 2012, 11:29
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 20 August 2012, 18:28
RE: Armaggedon - by Hrusai - 20 August 2012, 19:54
RE: Armaggedon - by HunterNurturer - 21 August 2012, 18:57
RE: Armaggedon - by cryingfreeman - 21 August 2012, 23:53
RE: Armaggedon - by Scythe13 - 2 October 2012, 23:51
RE: Armaggedon - by Biter - 3 October 2012, 15:19
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 3 October 2012, 15:28
RE: Armaggedon - by Biter - 3 October 2012, 15:59
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 3 October 2012, 16:26
RE: Armaggedon - by Scythe13 - 3 October 2012, 21:03

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