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21 August 2012, 23:53, (This post was last modified: 22 August 2012, 00:08 by cryingfreeman.)
RE: Armaggedon
Where you aim to go will depend on what you perceive to be the clearest threats and how best to mitigate them.

Looking at the powers that be and what they're prepping for, some clues start to pile up. Since the start of this year there has been an escalation in draconian legislation in the USA, starting with the horrific National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which mandates the US military to arrest any US citizen anywhere on the planet, without charge, without access to legal defense, no judges, no juries, etc., and to detain them indefinitely without explanation. This alone is a measure designed for containment of dissent during a coming global war. A red flag in its own right, but looking even worse when sat next to the legislation that then came out on 17th March, whereby the US President may order any US citizen or business to hand over its assets, cash, property, even their very asses for conscription and work teams during the course of an undefined "national emergency"
...sorry, I accidentally posted previous post before I had finished and I see no edit button so here's part 2...

In the past few weeks there was an effort to push a media / internet lockdown law through but for now it has failed, although I hear the next move is a push for an Executive Order to make it happen. Meanwhile, various agencies in the USA have been ordering hollow point bullets by the hundreds of millions and there are now 35,000 unmanned drones in place ready to patrol the skies in America. So... what can we conclude from this? The US is gearing up for a major world war abroad whilst readying for a roundup and lockdown at home.

But it's not just America. Putin ordered thousands of new hardened bunkers to be completed before the end of this year in Moscow. And then you have the elites stuffing that seed vault in Svalbard with pure, non-GM seeds of all the major crops and other plants on earth.

So, how's it going to play? I suggest the banking contagion in Europe will infect the USA's banks and at the same time there will be a Euro collapse (as hinted at by government emergency planning and veiled comments from politicians across Europe). Infrastructure will wobble on the continent, then the UK, then the USA. When it gets to the USA, civil unrest will spiral out of control - hence all the dumdum bullets being ordered. In the midst of all this, expect a mushroom to pop up over a US city. Blame will be pinned on rogue states backed by Russia and China and the moral outrage the event will produce will be channelled into making accepting austerity a patriotic duty, along with rounding up dissidents, tolerating a restricted internet, and waging preemptive "righteous" nuclear warfare. Russia and China know this is the gameplan and may act to decapitate US and UK military infrastructure before the US-UK launch their big push to lock the whole world down.

So... where do you want to be when this all happens?

Messages In This Thread
Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 19 August 2012, 14:14
RE: Armaggedon - by NorthernRaider - 19 August 2012, 14:20
RE: Armaggedon - by Paul - 19 August 2012, 15:18
RE: Armaggedon - by Hrusai - 19 August 2012, 14:33
RE: Armaggedon - by NorthernRaider - 19 August 2012, 19:12
RE: Armaggedon - by Wildman - 3 October 2012, 10:05
RE: Armaggedon - by Prepaday - 19 August 2012, 16:00
RE: Armaggedon - by Hrusai - 19 August 2012, 16:14
RE: Armaggedon - by Nemesis - 19 August 2012, 18:39
RE: Armaggedon - by Kenneth Eames - 19 August 2012, 17:20
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 19 August 2012, 17:50
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 19 August 2012, 19:29
RE: Armaggedon - by NorthernRaider - 19 August 2012, 19:36
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 19 August 2012, 19:43
RE: Armaggedon - by NorthernRaider - 19 August 2012, 19:56
RE: Armaggedon - by Tarrel - 2 October 2012, 19:30
RE: Armaggedon - by Hrusai - 19 August 2012, 19:56
RE: Armaggedon - by Paul - 19 August 2012, 22:37
RE: Armaggedon - by Hrusai - 19 August 2012, 23:39
RE: Armaggedon - by NorthernRaider - 20 August 2012, 09:06
RE: Armaggedon - by Tibbs735 - 19 August 2012, 20:10
RE: Armaggedon - by Prepaday - 20 August 2012, 07:19
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 20 August 2012, 11:25
RE: Armaggedon - by Prepaday - 20 August 2012, 11:29
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 20 August 2012, 18:28
RE: Armaggedon - by Hrusai - 20 August 2012, 19:54
RE: Armaggedon - by HunterNurturer - 21 August 2012, 18:57
RE: Armaggedon - by cryingfreeman - 21 August 2012, 23:53
RE: Armaggedon - by Scythe13 - 2 October 2012, 23:51
RE: Armaggedon - by Biter - 3 October 2012, 15:19
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 3 October 2012, 15:28
RE: Armaggedon - by Biter - 3 October 2012, 15:59
RE: Armaggedon - by bigpaul - 3 October 2012, 16:26
RE: Armaggedon - by Scythe13 - 3 October 2012, 21:03

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