Are morals and ethics affordable?
Here is something to think about.
There are many areas in the West where we turn the other cheek or pay people to do something because it seems the right thng to do. It may have started off right, we want to help our fellow human beings but when they turn around and abuse our good will and refuse to keep up their end of the bargain should we continue?
I'm not a turning the other cheek guy but I still have my morals and to be honest I am starting to find them a hinderance in todays world. Curse mt parents for instilling morals into me and a conscience to monitor.
As the world starts to close together around groups as it always does in a crisis our morals shift and become pliable. Morals are less of a concern and it shows in our society.
The part I find disturbing is I don't see it being an issue although I still try and adhere to mine but am now unwilling to judge those that don't in minor issues.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin