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Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked
20 October 2012, 21:17,
RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked
I can honestly say that fear doesn't come into my prepping at all. I just look at it as a list of problems that need solving or avoiding. Thats not trying to be macho or anything but is just the way it works for me. I dont go round searching for the latest headline to be worried about as worrying solves bugger all. I have a list of threats that I think might affect me and I try and prep towards them. I know that its impossible to cover everything prepwise but there is no point worrying about it as it will happen whether i worry about it or not.

Living in fear of what might happen is no way to live at all, and if i did then i think i would prefer to be a sheep and live in ignorant bliss Smile
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RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked - by IB1 - 20 October 2012, 21:17

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