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Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked
20 October 2012, 21:46,
RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked
I prep because an enormous amount of it overlaps with self sufficiency/ homesteading. The remaining survivalist element is because human society has proven time and time again to be inherently fragile. Anyone who contests this and says that your life-style is instead based on a reactionary fear stimulus is ignoring history.
All civilizations come to an end eventually, and the citizens who inhabit those civilizations do not pass quietly into history.
By prepping you are living like we did just a few decades ago, by stocking up food in times of plenty in anticipation for times of hardship, whilst taking it further in response to future concerns you can see coming over the hill.
By prepping you are fulfilling that most basic biological purpose of ensuring your genes are passed on.
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8

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RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked - by Tibbs735 - 20 October 2012, 21:46

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