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Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked
21 October 2012, 09:22,
RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked
Bout the only thing that worries me is the thought that there are ex paras out there who still think they can shoot !!!! Smile Smile, Remember that paras like marines have to be dropped enmasse from planes (boats) in an effort to secure a target because they could not be trusted with a map and compass or a Land Rover Smile EG the marines and navy recently surrendering to some Iranians in a dinghy, or the marines landing in Spain instead of Gibralter, or the superb footage on YT of marine charging up to the beach all gung ho in their rigid raiders at low tide , all leapt out of their boats and immediately get stuck up to their waists in mud, it took em an hour to move 30 feet. then of course the Paras mistaking a canal for a DZ, a forest for a DZ etc. But my favourite goes back to the seventies when the Paras entered a navigating tabbing / yomping comp and being red berets decided they had to set the stardard for all others to follow and raced off into the distance the second the starting pistol was fired. They clocked up an amazing 10 mile gap between then and everyone else primarily because they had gone five miles in the totally opposite direction to everyone else before they realised they were going the wrong way Smile

Fortunately the MOD have the brains to Keep and expand The Rifles / LI/ RGJ etc someone has to make sure the job is done properly whilst the marines and paras ponce about trimming their magnum mustaches and preaning their side burns !!! Smile

Cede Nullis


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RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked - by NorthernRaider - 21 October 2012, 09:22

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