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Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked
21 October 2012, 18:31,
RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked
when i started work in 1968, the first site i worked on ... a refurb of kitchen and bathroom in a street , they were 3 storeys, the lower being a cellar which was used for coal, there were 25 houses.... as we had to go from lead to copper we had to have access to the cellar to make off the joint. all went to plan till no 21 an old lady prob 64ish we worked away (plenty of tea ) i noticed the kellogs cornflakes box was odd looking ..... i was a kid hendrix ruled my life, did not get it staight away.....she was a lovely person ....until "we have to go into the cellar to do the pipe" NO was the reply nobody is allowed down there!....after about 8 days of asking it was still NO , the boss was wekk f.cked off , and broke in when she was out ( we will only be an hour tops he said) to our amazement ( all 3 of us) her father dug out the complete footprint of the cellar ( 15 tons ) a level timber floor made from railway sleepers studded timber walls on all 4 sides (sleepers)... shelved out on 4 sides and 3 free standing racked shelves all floor to ceiling partly stocked with tins of corned beef,peaches,egg powder,honey,colemans mustard tins and cornflakes and a well stocked tool section , vented air intake in the bottom to a outlet by the pavement ( the only one in the street ) all the boss could say was" bastard hoarders" we used to report them in the war....... the plumber told her that the boss broke in and we had to carry out the work.... she was pissed off big time but understood , she told us over a cuppa her father had see all the signes of what was to come, and prepped for 3 years for her and her mother....... he died at caen france . so what we can all take comfort from this true story is its ok to be scared but have the vision to prepp.....its not NEW . she was sworn to never reveal the cellar EVER and access was to be only undercover of darkness .......the door inside the cellar was gap only to a body through hidden by a 3 shovel timber rack

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RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked - by Straight Shooter - 21 October 2012, 18:31

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