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Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked
22 October 2012, 09:48,
RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked
Wow that's quite a story, it goes to show that people have been doing this for decades. Yet there are still people wandering around oblivious to what's right in front of them, I know being a recent convert myself lol. The problem is there is so much secrecy involved in prepping that nobody can put a number on it. It would be good after an event to see thousands of individuals or groups are still going to be around, and be thriving even. With regards to the original question, the only thing that I possibly fear is my family being caught out. My dad and brother both work all over the south east, whereas I'm only a 15 min bike ride from home...

“When an empire fears for its survival, its prime has passed.”

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RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked - by Sichr20 - 22 October 2012, 09:48

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