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Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked
22 October 2012, 11:10,
RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked if you read the "overshoot index" it will tell you that the UK can only feed about 16Million people from what is grown on home soil, the food for the other 44million+ HAS to be imported, you can guess what will happen if for ANY reason those imports stopped. my parents(now long gone) used to have a store cupboard and we only ate fresh what was in season, if it wasnt in season we couldnt get it, these were the days before supermarkets when you had to wait, patiently, in a queue in the shop to be served(these strange people called shop assistants now all we've got is till operators). when i look in peoples trolley's in the local Co-op they all seem to live on microwave meals, pizza's and stuff, nobody seems to be able to actually cook any more.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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RE: Possibly the weirdest question I've ever asked - by bigpaul - 22 October 2012, 11:10

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