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What would you do?
6 November 2012, 17:39,
RE: What would you do?
(6 November 2012, 17:26)John Wrote: The SHTF a few months or so ago. You put your plans into action, whatever they may be. They have been successful thus far.

You are now coming up to you first winter, you know you can get through it but you are unsure if you can make it through next year for whatever reasons.
You had some communications with others but that stopped a while ago. May be there was no more power, no way to recharge batteries, may be they were over run or died. You have no way of knowing.

So you sit down one evening round the fire with those who are with you, family, may be friends, to discuss the problem.
What would you recommend?

This is not a stupid question for it could happen.
I want some input before I divulge my cunning plan.
I will give it a week and then post a suggestion.
Please no silly answers, this is a serious question and it could affect your life come post SHTF.
i would suggest we stayed put, i see no point in rushing off leaving our own place undefended or seriously weakened, our own people MUST come first, if the others survived but were overrun then MAYBE they might make it to ours, maybe they went elsewhere in which case we might never find them, we could get there and just find dead bodies, anything except staying put could put our group in danger.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

Messages In This Thread
What would you do? - by John - 6 November 2012, 17:26
RE: What would you do? - by bigpaul - 6 November 2012, 17:39
RE: What would you do? - by BDG - 6 November 2012, 18:00
RE: What would you do? - by Scythe13 - 6 November 2012, 18:27
RE: What would you do? - by Paul - 6 November 2012, 18:40
RE: What would you do? - by NorthernRaider - 6 November 2012, 19:32
RE: What would you do? - by Tigs - 7 November 2012, 11:00

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